Important dates and info for Spring 2023Volunteer field clean up - Thursday, April 6th 4 - 6 PMEvery season we ask our families to come out and help us clean up the field from winter (I’m sure you will notice some dead leaves and branches if you've been able to practice). We need as many people as possible to help with the weeds, leaves, and branches. Please bring rakes, gloves, shovels, and clippers if you can, or just bring yourself. This is not required but we greatly appreciate all the help we can get! Zoom Parent Meeting - Weds, March 29th 2022 @8pm
We are excited to be welcoming a lot of new families and we know you have questions. New families are required to attend. We will discuss the season and answer your questions.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 3402 7437
Passcode: 4KPw0a
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,88134027437#,,,,*489091# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,88134027437#,,,,*489091# US
Meeting ID: 881 3402 7437
Passcode: 489091
We will record the call and send the materials via email for anyone who can't make it.
Games start the week of April 10th! Schedule will come out early April.
Opening Ceremonies - tentatively April 22nd (TBC)! Sorry they are later but we are trying to avoid conflicts with Spring Break and Easter so most players can make it. Thanks for your flexibility and understanding!
Season ends early - mid June (Pee Wee, Minors, and Majors play approximately 14-16 games, 2 games per week, 8-9 weeks depending on weather and amount of teams etc.) Tball / quickball plays approximately 8 times depending on weather and weekends off etc.
Closing Ceremonies -TBD