News Detail


Jan, 2025

Umpire Clinics coming up in California District 30

1. Rules Clinic  January 28, 2025
                          Santiago Charter Middle School
                          515 N Rancho Santiago Blvd
                          Orange, Ca  2869
                         Check in starts at approximately 5:45 PM
                         Clinic runs from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM


2.  Rules Clinic  January 30, 2025     
                         Santiago Charter Middle School   
                         515 N Rancho Santiago Blvd       
                         Orange, Ca  2869               

                         Check in starts at approximately 5:45 PM   
                         Clinic runs from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM                         


3:  Mechanics Clinic on the field

                         South Sunrise Little League
                         McPherson Athletic Fields
                         333 S Prospect St
                         Orange, Ca. 92869

                         Check In Starts at 8:00 AM
                         Clinic Starts at 9:00 AM Sharp on the Major Field


Local Sponsors

CA. District 30 Little League

District Administrator: Kent Dodson 
Santa Ana, California 92705

Email: [email protected]