· Players:
o All players must be properly equipped to play little league baseball.
§ All male players must wear an athletic supporter.
§ Catchers must wear:
· Hard athletic supporter (cup);
· Hockey style facemask with a dangling throat guard;
· Chest protector (with neck collar) and shin guards;
· Catcher glove (not fielders or first baseman’s glove).
o All players, while on the field (offensive), must always wear their batting helmet.
o All offensive players not on base or batting must always be in the dugout.
§ Only the first batter of the next inning may be outside of the dugout with a bat.
· There is no on deck area for batters.
· No swinging bats in the dugout.
o No sliding headfirst into any base/home plate (automatic out, ball is live).
§ You may slide headfirst when going back to a base.
o No player may yell, curse, or otherwise disrespect the umpires during the game for any reason.
§ Players can be warned, sat, or ejected.
· Managers/Coaches
o Managers/Coaches are not to be dressed in a baseball uniform while coaching the game.
§ Attire should be:
· T-shirt, golf shirt, or other appropriate top garment.
· Pants or shorts (sweatpants are permitted)
· Close-toed shoes.
o No cleats
o No sandals
o Managers/Coaches should stay in or at their dugouts between innings.
§ AA Managers/Coaches may be on the field for a short time.
o Managers/Coaches ARE responsible for their team’s parents and SHOULD remind them if/when they need to behave more appropriately.
o Managers/Coaches are not to yell, curse, or otherwise disrespect the umpires during the game for any reason.
§ Managers/Coaches can be warned or ejected.
§ Managers/Coaches that demonstrate on the field or try to incite the crowd against the umpires will be ejected.
· Umpires
o Plate umpires must be properly equipped.
§ Facemask, shin guards, cup, chest protector or protective balloon pad
§ Should have protective shoes (plate shoes).
§ Indicator (ball/strike counter)
o Umpires should have a good grasp of the rules.
§ Attend district mechanics and rules clinics.