Notes from President/Player Agent Zoom Call
January 27,2025

1) Roll Call  (All leagues present)
2) Follow the process of waivers 
    A) Letter from parent to home league
    B) Home League begins the waiver and sends to new league
    C) New League fills out section 2 and sends letter and waiver to Kent
    D) Kent signs waiver and sends to WR who will get it Infront of the charter committee
    E) Charter committee sends letter to Kent with approval/denial and if approved what waiver is approved (2D, 4H, Red Shirt, etc.)
    F) Kent will send email to President, Player Agent, Parent, himself with letter and waiver approval.
3) Please check emails daily.  Be timely in filling out waiver and moving the process along.  You may be the one in the future needing a waiver approved.
4) WR keeps paper copies of all waivers on file.
5) WR/Charter committee will accept waivers from previous seasons that are time stamped with dates, approvals, etc.  Those must be submitted to charter committee.
6) Run report off of SC on out of boundary players and get those waivers processed.
7) Players are not fully insured until waiver is approved by Williamsport

Answers to Questions in Zoom Waver Meeting

western region answers to waver commnets.pdf

Waver Process from Western Region

oob waiver process 2025.pdf

Local Sponsors

CA. District 30 Little League

District Administrator: Kent Dodson 
Santa Ana, California 92705

Email: [email protected]