Wanaque Field Cheer
The “New ERA” of field cheer has arrived. Field cheer is full of exciting, new things for girls of all ages. Wanaque field cheer is here to help bring the spirit to the next level each Saturday for the Wanaque Warriors.
Clinic Cheer K-2
Clinic girls will learn the early fundamentals of field cheer. They will learn simple basic sideline cheers, simple routine and show off their skills at each football game. Games days are every Saturday from September – November. Practice is expected to begin mid-August. Girls will practice 3 days a week, for 1 hour in the month of August, then twice a week from September through November.
Field Cheer
Pee-Wee 3rd-4th grades / Juniors 5th-6th grades / Seniors 7th-8th grades
This level of field cheer is broken into three levels as listed above. Each level will continue to grow on the fundamentals of field cheer and learn additional, age-appropriate cheer skills at each level. Each level will grow and continue to master their sideline cheers, learn routines to show off their skills as a team as well as individually. Games days will be every Saturday from September-November. Practices for all these levels are expected to begin mid-August. Practices for the month of August will be Monday through Thursday, then in September will move to twice a week and will continue thru November.
ALL LEVELS WILL PRACTICE AT MEMORIAL FIELD. Registration opens early April. If you have any questions, please reach out to Amanda Sensale at [email protected].