Little League Volunteer Checklist:
1. Complete online JDP Background Checks:
**Each volunteer needs to have a profile created within sports connect and have requested to be a volunteer. This is done every season.
2. Complete CA Live Scan (Fingerprints)
If new to volunteering or if there is a break in service fingerprints are required. Reach out to our safety officer for a list of approved locations.
3. Complete Abuse Awareness Training
Abuse Awareness required by all coaches, managers, and volunteers. Go in under Education-Certification Pathways-Base Certification. They will be required to set up an account, and then they can complete their certification. It can also be accessed through the Little League website under SafeSport under the Child Protection Program. The certification must be done on or after 10/1/? of the previous year. (For example: if someone has completed their certification on 10/2/23, they are good for the 2024 season).
4. Complete Concussion Training
5. Complete Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training
6. Complete Little League Diamond Leader
Diamond Leader Certification is required for all coaches and managers. It is a 2 year certification, so if someone did it last year, they are good until the 2025 season.
7. First Aid Training
9. Code of Conduct review acceptance and acknowledgement
10. Certificates and Acknowledgements