1) Each Tee Ball team should consist of 8 players and should not exceed 11 players.
2) The Division Player Agent, with assistance from the Division Coordinator and League President, will perform the initial team assignment based on the following criteria:
- Family/Friend/Coach Requests: Player requests for siblings/friends/coach during registration will be accommodated as much as possible.
- School: Without an assignment made from the preceding criteria, players will be assigned based on the school they attend when available.
- Team Size: Teams will be limited to size based on the League's maximum player limit. If players' requests force a team over the League limit, removal of players from the team will happen in reverse order of above criteria until the maximum limit is met.
- Division Parity: Although this is not a competitive division, efforts will be made to maintain comparable team skill sets through team assignments.
3) The initial team assignments will be reviewed and refined as appropriate in conjunction with the team managers.
4) Once assigned, players cannot be traded or otherwise changed without the explicit approval of the Division Player Agent. All team modifications must be approved by the Player Agent.
5) A manager's son or daughter will be assigned to their team.
6) A manager in Tee Ball has the authority to arrange for Assistant Coaches prior to the team assignment process. Assistant Coaches' son or daughter will be assigned to their team. The Assistant Coaches are subject to League approval.
7) League age seven year olds are not eligible for the Tee Ball division unless it is determined by the Player Agent that a significant health or safety risk exists.
8) Modifications to the Tee Ball player assignment process are pursuant to the NCLL Board approval process.