Per Little League Int'l regulations, any person, even a parent of a player on the team, who interacts with the kids during practices or games MUST get a background check. The first step is to register as a volunteer. Once you do that, within 24 hours you'll get an email from our background check vendor, JDP, with a link to a confidential questionnaire. The questionnaire only takes a few minutes to complete and results typically come back to the league within 24 hours.
Here's how to register as an NCLL volunteer:
Login to your account on this site.
- Click on the My Account button.
- Click Volunteer in the left-hand nav.
- Click the Find Volunteer Roles button.
- Click the appropriate role and division.
- If in doubt, choose Assistant Coach.
- From there just follow the path.
This does not create an obligation to help. It merely makes it so we can insure you are allowed to help -- when you can -- according to Little League Int'l rules.
We appreciate your help. If you have any questions, contact board member, Huber Cooney at [email protected].