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Almaden Baseball and Softball Little League

Almaden Baseball and Softball Little League


 Registration for Spring 2025  is currently open! 

Our Softball is broken up into 3 seasons. 

Spring Season
Our rec season is our most popular season and runs from March through late May.  We offer as many divisions demand allows.  Historically that means we offer 6u, 8u, 10u, 12u and 14u teams.  These teams play against each other and other teams from other leagues in the same division.

Summer Season
Our Summer season is our competitive season.  We form teams using girls from our rec teams who have the ability and desire to play at a higher competitive level.  These teams travel a bit further and play in weekend tournaments.  Travel might include tournaments as far as Lake Tahoe.  Typically, tournaments are scheduled out every other week from early June to late July.

These tournaments have substantially higher entry fees than our rec season.  

These teams are formed from our 8u, 10u, 12u and 14u divisions.

Our most competitive team is called "Lightning" (also referred to as our all star team) and should there be enough interest in a division from girls who didn't get selected on our lightning team, we form a team called "Boltz".  Each of these teams creation is predicated on coaches who volunteer. 

In the 10u, 12u and 14u divisions the girls have an opportunity to play in the nationwide Little League softball tournament.  Last year, our12u team made it to the World Series in North Carolina, with their West Regional and World Series games televised on ESPN.  More can be found on little leagues website.

Fall Season
Our Fall season is a bit of a mix of the two season defined above.  

We offer a rec season that is inexpensive and travel is limited.  This is a great opportunity for any girl to have more fun and get more practice.  It's also an opportunity to play in the divisions they will play in the coming spring.  If they are moving up a division, they will get used to a bigger ball and a bigger field in a low stress environment.

Should there be interest.  Our competitive teams will continue to play competitive softball into the Fall.  

It's advised that all girls play in the division they are moving to in the spring regardless of competition level.  


Almaden Little League Baseball and Softball
P.O. Box 20665 
San Jose, California 95160

Email: [email protected]

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