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Ashland Youth Baseball & Softball

Senior Baseball (Babe Ruth) Programs

The Senior Baseball Spring league (Tri-Valley Babe Ruth) is for youth players aged 13 to 17. Senior Baseball is competitive baseball and played on the full-sized diamond - same size as the MLB (90" between bases and 60'6" from pitcher's rubber to home plate). Ashland teams will play against other Tri-Valley teams, typically Hopedale, Holliston, Hopkinton, Medway, Medfield, & Millis. This travel league is run by Medway Little League with rules similar to high school, i.e. leading, stealing, balks, pick-off, etc. The league is split into two divisions Minors or Middle School (ages 13 – 14) and Majors or High School (ages 15 – 17). There are no tryouts.


Spring (Late April - Early June) - Ages 13-14

Games and Practices: A typical week will include 1-2 weekday practices with usually 1 game during the weekday and 1 on the weekend.
Where: Home games are at Stone Park. Away games are at other participating towns.
Registration: Opens in early November for the following spring. 

Summer (Mid-June - Late July) - Ages 13 - 17

Games and Practice: A typical week will include 1-2 weekday practices with games during the weekday and potentially the weekend. The Minors played M W F and Majors played Su Tu Th.
Where: Home games are at Stone Park. Away games are at other participating towns.
Registration: Opens in late spring for that summer.  

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