Instructional Leagues
Tiny Tots - Ages 4
The Tiny Tots program is for boys and girls 4 years old to provide basic introduction to the fundamentals of the sport. Participants will be introduced to concepts such as hitting off a tee, fielding ground balls, throwing to coaches, and basic field positions. The basics skills instruction will be supplemented with fun games relating to the lessons of the day; however, it is not intended that the traditional baseball game format (i.e. innings, single batter/pitcher) is followed every week. The primary goal of the program is to keep each participant active and engaged during the entire 45–60 minute session with minimal downtime. The entire program practices together each Saturday, and small groups are often formed for instruction. There are no scored games and no post-season.
Season: Practices are typically held on Saturday mornings or early afternoons beginning early April and continuing through early June.
T-Ball - Ages 5-6*
T-Ball Baseball is for boys and girls 5-6 years old who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. In T-Ball, players hit a ball off a batting tee. The primary goals of T-Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of good sportsmanship and teamwork. The standard Little League diamond (60-foot base paths) and a soft safety baseball is used during play. Each team will play 10 games during the regular season and there is no postseason. Live coach underhand pitching is introduced during the last 3 games. Games last for 3 innings or a time limit of 1 hour and no score is kept. There is a continuous batting order and every player will bat every inning.
Season: Practices begin early April. Games will be played late April thru early June.
* Players aged 6 who have played 1 season of T-Ball have the option of moving up to A ball, provided that the player is capable of hitting coach pitching (5 pitches max) and there are no safety concerns.A - Age 6*-7
A Baseball is for players aged 6-7 years old. A-Ball is a Coach Pitch non-competitive division (no score is kept), teaching players the fundamentals of the game and challenging them to hit a pitched ball delivered by a coach. Coaches will be on the field to teach players fielding fundamentals and where the ball should be thrown during each play. Players in this division A Ball will likely get 3 at bats per game. A soft safety baseball is used, and games are played on a standard Little League diamond (60-foot base paths). Each team will play 10 games during the regular season and there is no postseason. Games last for 3 innings or a time limit of 1 hour and 15 minutes. There is a continuous batting order, and every player will bat every inning.
Season: Practices begin early April. Games will be played late April thru early June.
* Players aged 6 who have played 1 season of T-Ball have the option of moving up to A ball, provided that the player is capable of hitting coach pitching (5 pitches max) and there are no safety concerns.AA - Age 8
Coach Pitch Baseball is for players aged 8 years old. AA-Ball is a Kid Pitch non-competitive division (no score is kept), continuing to teach players the fundamentals of the game and challenging them to hit a pitched ball delivered by a player. This division also introduces the catcher position and wearing of catching equipment. Players in this division should have basic understanding of fielding positions and where the ball should be thrown during each play. Coaches will be on the field to continue to teach players the fundamentals and where the ball should be thrown during each play. Outs will be kept and players are not guaranteed a number of at bats due to the competitive nature of this division. A soft baseball is used and games are played on a standard Little League diamond (60-foot base paths). Each team will play 10 games during the regular season and there is no postseason. Games last for 3 innings or a time limit of 1 hour and 15 minutes. Players are placed on teams through a coach’s draft. Parents cannot request player/coach placements in this division.
Season: Practices begin early April. Games will be played late April thru early June.
Competitive Leagues
AAA - Ages 9-10
AAA is typically for players aged 9-10 years old. AAA-Ball is our first, fully competitive level. Players pitch, outs are recorded, and umpires are provided. A regulation “hard” baseball is used, and games are played on a standard Little League diamond (60-foot base paths). Each team will play 10 games during the regular season followed by single elimination playoffs. Games consist of 6 innings with a time limit of 1 hour and 45 minutes. Players are placed on teams through a Coaches draft. Parents cannot request player/coach placements in this division.
Season: Practices begin early April. Games will be played late April thru early June.
Majors - Ages 11-12
Major League is typically for players aged 11-12 years old. Major League is competitive baseball and played on the standard Little League diamond (46-foot pitching distance and 60-foot base paths) and a regulation “hard” baseball is used. Each team will play 10-12 games during the regular season followed by playoffs. Games consist of 6 innings with a time limit of 1 hour and 45 minutes. Players are placed on teams through a coach’s draft. Parents cannot request player/coach placements in this division.
Season: Practices begin early April. Games will be played late April thru early June.