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Little League Rules

How well do you think you know Little League Baseball and Softball rules and regulations?  There are many myths out there.  Knowing some of these rules will help you understand the game and why calls are made the way that they are.  Take these short quizzes to see how you do and increase your knowledge of Little League Baseball and Softball.

Regular Season Rules Quizzes
Coming Soon!

Tournament Season Rules Quizzes

Coming Soon!

Little League Rules, Regulations and Policies

Each year, Little League® provides its constituent leagues with current Little League rules, regulations, and policies that outline and define the operation of the program. It is important for all Little League volunteers and parents to be familiar with the most up-to-date version of Little League’s Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies. These rulebooks, published for all divisions of Little League Baseball®, Little League Softball®, and the Little League Challenger Division® provide the structure and support for local leagues and Districts to provide a meaningful Little League experience for all children in their community.  Read more...

Pitch Count

Little League® has always placed safety as a top priority, and is continually striving to provide children with healthy and safe baseball and softball opportunities. For more than a decade, the Little League program has been at the forefront of promoting arm safety for youth pitchers. As we continue to work to make baseball a safe, fun sport for all children, Little League is proudly supporting the efforts of Major League Baseball and USA Baseball through the Pitch Smart campaign.  Read more...

Ll Rulebook App

The Little League Rulebook Mobile App is your all-in-one rulebook.  It contains all of the rules and regulations for Baseball, Softball, Challenger, Tournament Procedures/Rules, and League Operation information.  The app is available from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.  Plus, the app is FREE and approved for use in the dugout!

The Little League Rulebook Mobile App is your all-in-one rulebook.  It contains all of the rules and regulations for Baseball, Softball, Challenger, Tournament Procedures/Rules, and League Operation information.  The app is available from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.  Plus, the app is FREE and approved for use in the dugout!

Find out more about the Little League Rulebook App and how to use the "Tap and Hold" feature to create Bookmarks, Notes and Copies to the Clipboard.

Leagues in Distirct

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