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May, 2021

Limits for Indoor & Outdoor Gatherings - Updated for May 19

The below is a cut and paste directly from the NJ COVID web site.  The link in the body of the text on Outdoor sports practices and competitions will take you to the full text on that topic.  The portion of the article that pertains to youth sports is cut and pasted at the bottom of this article (in a blue font).

Indoor Gatherings

Face coverings are required in indoor public spaces and in outdoor public spaces when social distancing is difficult to maintain. COVID-19 remains a threat, particularly at indoor gatherings with unvaccinated individuals. Follow the safety tips described in this article to protect yourself and your community.

  • General indoor gatherings must be limited to 25 people. All attendees at indoor gatherings must wear face coverings and stay six feet apart. If there is no unexpected surge in COVID-19 numbers, on Wednesday, May 19, the general indoor gathering limit will increase to 50 people and will apply to general social gatherings, such as birthday parties and events in people's homes.
  • If there is no unexpected uptick in COVID-19 numbers, on Wednesday, May 19, indoor business gatherings and organized gatherings (e.g. conferences, expositions, meetings of fraternal organizations, job trainings, events hosted by senior centers) will be limited to 250 people, so long as social distancing can be maintained.
  • Indoor gatherings for wedding receptions, wedding ceremonies, funerals, memorial services, political events, and private catered events including proms, must be limited to 50 percent of a room's capacity, but no more than 250 people so long as social distancing can be maintained. Dance floors at private catered events may reopen, with masking and social distancing requirements in place. If there is no unexpected surge in COVID-19 numbers, on Wednesday, May 19, indoor religious services and celebrations may be held at 100 percent of a room's capacity, but no more than 250 individuals, so long as social distancing can be maintained.
  • Indoor sports practices and competitions may exceed the general indoor gathering limit under specific exceptions, described in this article.
  • Indoor performances at entertainment centers, including movie theaters, performing arts centers, and other concert venues, must be limited to 50 percent of a room's capacity, but no more than 250 people, not including staff. If there is no unexpected surge in COVID-19 numbers, on Wednesday, May 19, indoor performances may be held at 100 percent of a room's capacity, but no more than 250 individuals. Individuals or groups of people must remain six feet apart.
  • Large venues, including sports and entertainment venues, with a fixed seating capacity of 2,500 or more may host events at 20 percent capacity indoors; the 20 percent capacity limit excludes participants, such as athletes and performers, and staff, such as coaches and ushers, but include patrons and other members of the public. Individuals or groups of individuals that purchase tickets together must remain six feet apart. If there is no unexpected surge in COVID-19 numbers, on Wednesday, May 19, the large indoor venue capacity limit will increase to 30 percent and will apply to all venues with a fixed seating capacity of 1,000 or more.
  • Indoor meetings of addiction support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, must be limited to 35 percent of a room's capacity, but no more than 150 individuals.
  • Legislative and judicial proceedings are not subject to the limits on indoor gatherings.

Outdoor Gatherings

  • General outdoor gatherings must be limited to 500 people and social distancing must be practiced. Attendees or groups of attendees are required to remain six feet apart from other groups. If there is no unexpected surge in COVID-19 numbers, on Wednesday, May 19, the outdoor gathering limit will be removed.
  • There is no limit for outdoor gatherings for wedding ceremonies, wedding receptions, funerals, memorial services, religious activities, or political activities.
  • Outdoor catered events are limited to 500 individuals, excluding staff, as long as appropriate social distancing can be maintained. Learn more. If there is no unexpected surge in COVID-19 numbers, on Wednesday, May 19, the outdoor gathering limit will be removed.
  • Outdoor sports practices and competitions may exceed the general outdoor gathering limit under specific exceptions, described in this article.
  • Outdoor performances at outdoor entertainment centers, including movie theaters, performing arts centers, and other concert venues, are limited to a number that ensures that all people can remain six feet apart, but no more than 500 people. If there is no unexpected surge in COVID-19 numbers, on Wednesday, May 19, the outdoor gathering limit will be removed.
  • Large venues, including sports and entertainment venues, with a fixed seating capacity of 1,000 or more may host events at 50 percent capacity outdoors; the 50 percent capacity limit excludes participants, such as athletes and performers, and staff, such as coaches and ushers, but include patrons and other members of the public. If there is no unexpected surge in COVID-19 numbers, on Wednesday, May 19, the outdoor gathering limit will be removed.

Gathering Limits for Sports Practices and Competitions

Practices and competitions are currently limited by the general indoor gatherings limit of 25 people and the general outdoor gatherings limit of 500 people but there are exceptions, described below:

  • For non-collegiate, non-professional sports, athletes, coaches, referees, trainers, other individuals necessary for the practice or competition, and up to two parents or guardians per athlete under the age of 21 do not count towards the general gathering limit of 25 individuals for indoor events. The total number of people for indoor events, including parents and guardians, is capped at 50 percent of the room's capacity. For outdoor sporting events, athletes, coaches, and referees are not counted towards the general outdoor gathering limit. Up to 500 spectators - including parents and guardians - are permitted if the outdoor venue can accommodate appropriate social distancing. If there is no unexpected surge in COVID-19 numbers, on Wednesday, May 19, the outdoor gathering limit will be removed.