Camas Little League Constitution
League ID: 447 04 01
This organization shall be known as the Camas Little League, hereinafter referred to as “Local League.”
The objective of the Local League shall be to implant firmly in the children of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, stronger and happier children and will grow to be good, decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens.
To achieve this objective, the Local League will provide a supervised program under the Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball, Incorporated. All Directors, Officers and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary, and the molding of future citizens is of prime importance. In accordance with Section 501-(c)-(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, the Local League shall operate exclusively as a non-profit educational organization providing a supervised program of competitive baseball and softball games. No part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual; no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and which does not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Eligibility. Any person sincerely interested in active participation to further the objective of this Local League may apply to become a Member.
Classes. There shall be the following classes of Members:
(a) Player Members. Any player candidate meeting the requirements of Little League Regulation IV shall be eligible to compete for participation. Player Members shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Local League.
(b) Regular Members. Any adult person actively interested in furthering the objectives of the Local League may become a Regular Member upon election and payment of dues as hereinafter provided. Regular Members may be issued a card numbered in sequential order annually. The secretary shall maintain the roll of membership to qualify voting members. Only Regular Members in good standing are eligible to vote at General Membership Meetings. All Officers, Board Members, Committee Members, Managers, Coaches, Volunteer Umpires and other elected or appointed officials must be active Regular Members in good standing. Note: Regular Members of the league automatically include all current Managers, Coaches, Volunteer Umpires, Board Members, Officers of the Board and any other person who is recognized by the Board as a volunteer in the Local League.
(c) Honorary Members (Optional). Any person may be elected as Honorary Member by the unanimous vote of all Directors present at any duly held meeting of the Board of Directors but shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Local League.
(d) Sustaining Members (Optional). Any person not a Regular Member who makes financial or other contribution to the Local League may by a majority vote of the Board of Directors become a Sustaining Member, but such person shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Local League.
(e) As used hereinafter, the word “Member” shall mean a Regular Member unless otherwise stated.
Other Affiliations.
(a) Members, whether Regular or Player, shall not be required to be affiliated with another organization or group to qualify as members of the Local League.
(b) Regular Members should not be actively engaged in the promotion and/or operation of any other baseball/softball program.
Suspension or Termination. Membership may be terminated by resignation or action of the Board of Directors as follows.
(a) The Board of Directors, by a two-thirds vote of those present at any duly constituted Board meeting, shall have the authority to discipline or suspend or terminate the membership of any Member of any class, including managers and coaches, when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interests of the Local League and/or Little League Baseball. The Member involved shall be notified of such meeting, informed of the general nature of the charges and given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges.
(b) The Board of Directors shall, in case of a Player Member, give notice to the manager of the team for which the player is a Player Member. Said manager shall appear, in the capacity of an adviser, with the player before the Board of Directors or a duly appointed committee of the Board of Directors. The player’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may also be present. The Board of Directors shall have full power to suspend or revoke such player’s right to future participation by two-thirds vote of those present at any duly constituted meeting (quorum is required).
Dues for Regular Members may be fixed at such amounts as the Board of Directors shall determine for a particular fiscal year. (See Article XI, Section 7 for fiscal year of this league.) Note: Dues for Regular Members are separate from registration fees for Player Members, which are determined annually by the Board of Directors in accordance with Regulation XIII (c). If no dues for Regular membership are collected, Section 2 below does not apply.
Regular Members who fail to pay their fixed dues within fourteen (14) days of application to become a member may, by majority vote of the Board present at a Board meeting, be dropped from the rolls and shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership.
Definition. A General Membership Meeting is any meeting of the membership of the league (including Special General Membership Meetings, Section 7). A minimum of one per year (Annual Meeting, see Section 6) is required.
Notice of Meeting. Notice of each General Membership Meeting, Members shall be notified personally, electronically, by mail, or through public notice to each Member at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting, setting forth the place, time and purpose of the meeting. In lieu of the above methods, notice may be given in such form as may be authorized by the Members, from time to time, at a regularly convened General Membership Meeting.
Quorum. At any General Membership Meeting, the presence in person or representation by absentee ballot of one fifth (20 percent) of the members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present, no business can be conducted
Voting. Only Regular Members shall be entitled to make motions and vote at General Membership Meetings. However, the Board of Directors may invite, admit and recognize guests for presentations or comments during General Membership Meetings. (Those eligible to take part at meetings of the Board of Directors are described in Article VI, Section 4.)
Absentee Ballot. For the expressed purpose of accommodating a Regular Member in good standing who cannot be in attendance at the Annual Meeting, or any General Membership Meeting at which new Board members will be elected, an absentee ballot may be requested and obtained from the Secretary of the League. The absentee ballot shall be properly completed, signed and returned in a sealed envelope to the Secretary prior to the date of the election. The Secretary shall present all absentee ballots to the Election Chairman (appointed at the meeting) on the date of the meeting, prior to the voting portion of the election process.
Annual Meeting of the Members. The Annual Meeting of the Members of the Local League shall be held on the third Thursday of September at 7pm each year for the purpose of receiving reports and for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting.
(a) The Membership shall receive at the Annual Meeting of the Members of the Local League a report, verified by the President and Treasurer, or by a majority of the Directors, showing:
(1) The condition of the Local League, to be presented by the President or his/her designate;
(2) A general summary of funds received and expended by the local league for the previous year, the amount of funds currently in possession of the local league, and the name of the financial institution in which such funds are maintained;
(3) The whole amount of real and personal property owned by the Local League, where located, and where and how invested;
(4) For the year immediately preceding, the amount and nature of the property acquired, with the date of the report and the manner of the acquisition, the amount applied, appropriated or expended, and the purposes, objects or persons to or for which such applications, appropriations or expenditures have been made;
(5) The names of the persons who have been admitted to regular membership in the Local League during such year. This report shall be filed with the records of the Local League and entered in the minutes of the proceedings of the Annual Meeting. A copy of such report shall be forwarded to Little League Headquarters.
(b) Prior to closing ceremony, the current Board Members shall determine the number of Directors to be elected for the ensuing year. At closing ceremonies Regular Members shall elect such number of Directors. The number of Directors elected shall be not less than six (6).
(c) After the Board of Directors is elected, the Board shall meet to elect the officers. After the election, the Board of Directors shall assume the performance of its duties on October 1. The Board’s term of office shall continue until its successors are elected and qualified under this section.
(d) The Officers of the Board of Directors shall include, at a minimum, the President, one or more Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, one or more Player Agents and a Safety Officer. The Board shall also include a minimum of one manager and one volunteer umpire. Only volunteer umpires may be elected to the Board.
Special General Membership Meetings. Special General Membership Meetings of the Members may be called by the Board of Directors or by the Secretary or President at their discretion. Upon the written request of ten (10) Members, the President or Secretary shall call a Special General Membership Meeting to consider the subject specified in the request. No business other than that specified in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted at any Special General Membership Meeting. Such Special General Membership Meeting shall be scheduled to take place not less than fourteen (14) days after the request is received by the President or Secretary. Notification of Special Membership Meeting to take place within five (5) days of receipt of request by the President or Secretary.
Rules of Order for General Membership Meetings. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all General membership Meetings except where same conflicts with this Constitution of the Local League.
Authority. The management of the property and affairs of the Local League shall be vested in the Board of Directors.
Increase in number. The number of Board of Directors so fixed at the Annual Meeting may be increased at any General Membership Meeting or Special Meeting of the Members. If the number is increased, the additional Directors may be elected at the meeting at which the increase is voted, or at any subsequent General Membership Meeting. All elections of additional Directors shall be by majority vote of all Regular Members present or represented by a properly executed and signed absentee ballot filed with the Secretary prior to the election meeting.
Vacancies. If any vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors, by death, resignation or otherwise, it may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Directors at any regular Board meeting or at any Special Board Meeting called for that purpose.
Board Meetings, Notice and Quorum. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held immediately following the Annual Meeting and on such days thereafter as shall be determined by the Board.
(a) The President or the Secretary may, whenever they deem it advisable, or the Secretary shall at the request in writing of three (3) Directors, issue a call for a Special Board Meeting. In the case of Special Board Meetings, such notice shall include the purpose of the meeting and no matters not so stated may be acted upon at the meeting.
(b) Notice of each Board meeting shall be given by the Board Designee personally, telephone, electronically or by mail to each Director at least seven (7) day(s) before the time appointed for the meeting to the last recorded address of each Director.
(c) Fifty (50) percent of members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If a quorum is not present, no business shall be conducted.
(d) Only members of the Board of Directors may make motions and vote at meetings of the Board of Directors. However, the Board of Directors may invite, admit and recognize guests for presentations or comments during Board meetings.
(e) A Board member must have attended 2 of the last 3 meetings in order to vote at a Board Meeting
Duties and Powers. The Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint such standing committees as it shall determine appropriate and to delegate such powers to them as the Board shall deem advisable and which it may properly delegate. The Board may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings and the management of the Local League as it may deem proper, provided such rules and regulations do not conflict with this Constitution. The Board shall have the power by a two-thirds vote of those present at any regular Board or Special Board Meeting to discipline, suspend or remove any Director or Officer or Committee Member of the Local League in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article III, Section 4 (a,b).
Rules of Order for Board Meetings. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all Board of Directors meetings, except where same conflicts with this Constitution of the Local League.
Appointments. The Board of Directors may appoint such other officers or agents as it may deem necessary or desirable, and may prescribe the powers and duties of each. Appointed officers or agents shall have no vote on actions taken by the Board of Directors unless such individuals have been elected to the Board by the membership or have been elected to fill a vacancy on the Board.
President. The President shall:
(a) Conduct the affairs of the Local League and execute the policies established by the Board of Directors. (b) Present a report of the condition of the Local League at the Annual Meeting. (c) Communicate to the Board of Directors such matters as deemed appropriate, and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of the Local League.
(d) Be responsible for the conduct of the Local League in strict conformity to the policies, principles, Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball, Incorporated, as agreed to under the conditions of charter issued to the Local League by that organization.
(e) Designate in writing other officers, if necessary, to have power to make and execute for/and in the name of the Local League such contracts and leases they may receive and which have had prior approval of the Board.
(f) Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to the Local League and report thereon to the Board or Executive Committee as circumstances warrant.
(g) Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors and be responsible for the proper execution thereof.
(h) With the assistance of the Player Agent, examine the application and support proof-of age documents of every player candidate and certify to residence and age eligibility before the player may be accepted for tryouts and selection.
Vice President. The Vice President shall:
(a) Perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President, provided he or she is authorized by the President or Board so to act. When so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of that office.
(b) Perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors or by the President.
Secretary. The Secretary shall:
(a) Be responsible for recording the activities of the Local League and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records.
(b) Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth, in addition to such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of Secretary or as may be assigned by the Board of Directors. (c) Maintain a list of all Regular, Sustaining and Honorary Members, Directors and committee members and give notice of all meetings of the Local League, the Board of Directors and Committees. (d) Issue membership cards to Regular Members, if approved by the Board of Directors.
(e) Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Members, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and cause them to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose.
(f) Conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meeting and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes and resolutions not otherwise committed.
(g) Notify Members, Directors, Officers and committee members of their election or appointment.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall:
(a) Perform such duties as are herein set forth and such other duties as are customarily incident to the Office of
Treasurer or may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
(b) Receive all monies and securities, and deposit same in a depository approved by the Board of Directors.
(c) Keep records for the receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities of the Local League, including the Auxiliary. Approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks therefore in agreement with policies established in advance of such actions by the Board of Directors. All disbursements by check must have dual signatures.
(d) Prepare an annual budget, under the direction of the President, for submission to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting.
Player Agents. The Player Agents shall:
(a) Record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up-to-date record thereof.
(b) Receive and review applications for player candidates and assist the President in verifying residence and age eligibility.
(c) Conduct the tryouts, the player draft and all other player transaction or selection meetings. (d) Prepare the Player Agent’s list.
(e) Prepare for the President’s signature and submission to Little League Headquarters, team rosters, including players claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit. (f) Notify Little League Headquarters of any subsequent player replacements or trades.
Safety Officer. The Safety Officer shall:
(a) Be responsible to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for youngsters and all participants of Little League Baseball.
(b) Develop and implement a plan for increasing safety of activities, equipment and facilities through education, compliance and reporting.
NOTE: In order to implement a safety plan using education, compliance and reporting, the following suggestions may be utilized by the Safety Officer:
(1) Education - Should facilitate meetings and distribute information among participants including players, managers, coaches, umpires, league officials, parents, guardians and other volunteers. (2) Compliance - Should promote safety compliance leadership by increasing awareness of the safety opportunities that arise from these responsibilities.
(3) Reporting - Define a process to assure that incidents are recorded. Information is sent to league/district and national offices, and follow-up information on medical and other data is forwarded as
The Board of Directors may appoint an Executive Committee which shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than eight (8) Directors, one of whom shall be the President of the Local League.
The Executive Committee shall advise with and assist the Officers of the Local League in all matters concerning its interests and the management of its affairs, and shall have such other powers as may be delegated to it by the Board, but in no event will the Executive Committee have authority over the Board of Directors.
At any meeting of the Executive Committee, a majority of the total number of members then in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the act of a majority present at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be the act of the Committee.
Nominating Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) Directors and other appointed Regular Members. The Committee shall investigate and consider eligible candidates and submit at the Annual Meeting a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors. The Committee shall also submit for consideration by the Board of Directors a slate of Officers and Committee Members.
Membership Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint a Membership Committee consisting of three (3) Directors and other appointed Regular Members. The Committee shall receive the names of prospective Honorary, Sustaining and Regular Members, investigate for eligibility and recommend those qualified for election at the annual, regular or any special meeting of the Members or the Board of Directors as the case may be.
Finance Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint a Finance Committee consisting of not less than three (3) nor more than five (5) Directors. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee. The Committee shall investigate ways and means of financing the Local League including team sponsorships and submit recommendations. It shall be responsible for taking up collections at games, if such collections are authorized by the Local League, and shall turn over said collections to the Treasurer immediately after each game.
Building/Property/Grounds Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint a Building/Property Committee consisting of three (3) Directors and other appointed Regular Members. The Committee shall investigate and recommend available, suitable sites and plans for development, including ways and means, the latter in cooperation with the Finance Committee. It shall be responsible for repair and improvement recommendations, other than normal maintenance, and supervise the performance of approved projects.
Managers Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint a Managers Committee consisting of three (3) Directors. The Committee shall interview and investigate prospective managers and coaches, including those for the Minor League teams and recommend acceptable candidates to the President, for appointment and subsequent approval by the Board of Directors. It shall, during the playing season, observe the conduct of the managers and coaches and report its findings to the President of the Local League. It shall, at the request of the President or Board of Directors, investigate complaints concerning managers and coaches and make a report thereof to the President or Board of Directors as the case may be.
Auditing Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint an Auditing Committee consisting of three (3) Directors.
The President, Treasurer or signatories of checks are not eligible. The Committee will review the Local League’s books and records annually prior to the Annual Meeting and attach a statement of its findings to the annual financial statement of the President and Treasurer; or may, if directed by the Board of Directors or Membership, secure the services of a Certified Public Accountant to accomplish such review.
Charter. The Local League shall annually apply for a charter from Little League Baseball, Incorporated, and shall do all things necessary to obtain and maintain such charter. The Local League shall devote its entire energies to the activities authorized by such charter and it shall not be affiliated with any other program or organization or operate any other program.
Rules and Regulations. The Official Playing Rules and Regulations as published by Little League Baseball, Incorporated, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, shall be binding on this Local League.
Local Rules, Ground Rules and/or Bylaws. The local rules, ground rules and/or bylaws of this Local League shall be adopted by the Board of Directors at a meeting to be held not less than one month previous to the first scheduled game of the season, but shall in no way conflict with the Rules, Regulations and Policies of Little League Baseball, Incorporated, nor shall they conflict with this Constitution. The local rules, ground rules and/or bylaws of this Local League shall expire at the end of each fiscal year, and are not considered part of this Constitution. (See Article XI,
Section 7 for fiscal year of this league.) Changes to the By Laws require only Board consent, without the need of the general membership’s approval; however, no changes are to be made to the By Laws after January 31st of the upcoming season.
Authority. The Board of Directors shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of the Local League and it shall place all income including Auxiliary funds, in a common league treasury, directing the expenditure of funds in such manner as will give no individual or team an advantage over those in competition with such individual or team.
Contributions. The Board shall not permit the contribution of funds or property to individual teams but shall solicit funds for the common treasury of the Local League, thereby to discourage favoritism among teams and to endeavor to equalize the benefits of the Local League.
Solicitations. The Board shall not permit the solicitation of funds in the name of Little League Baseball, unless all of the funds so raised be placed in the Local League treasury.
Disbursement of Funds. The Board shall not permit the disbursement of Local League funds for other than the conduct of Little League activities in accordance with the rules, regulations and policies of Little League Baseball, Incorporated. All disbursements shall be made by check, payable only to a person or business. No checks are to be made payable to “CASH.” All checks shall be signed by the Local League Treasurer and such other officer or officers or person or persons as the Board of Directors shall determine.
Compensation. No Director, Officer or Member of the Local League shall receive, directly or indirectly any salary, compensation or emolument from the Local League for services rendered as Director, Officer or Member.
Deposits. All monies received shall be deposited to the credit of the Local League in/at the home bank of the League.
Fiscal year. The fiscal year of the Local League shall begin on October 1 and shall end on September 30.
(Note: The above fiscal year must be chosen if the Local League intends to qualify under the Little League Baseball, Incorporated, Group Tax ID Number.)
Distribution of Property upon Dissolution. Upon dissolution of the Local League and after all outstanding debts and claims have been satisfied, the Members shall direct the remaining property of the Local League to another Federally Incorporated entity which maintains the same objectives as set forth in Article II of this Constitution, which are or may be entitled to exemption under Section
501-(c)-(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or any future corresponding provision.
This Constitution may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a majority vote at any duly organized meeting of the Members provided notice of the proposed change is included in the notice of such meeting.
President’s Name (Print) President’s Signature
Nicholas Kralj
447-04-01 91-1179953
Little League ID No. Federal ID No.

State ID No. (if available)
Camas Little League Bylaws
League ID: 447 04 01
Last Amended: 10/1/2021
I. Board Vision .............................................................................. 3
Abbreviations ...................................................................................................3
II. Operational Procedures ...............................................................................4
A. Membership Fees ........................................................................................4
B. Insurance .....................................................................................................4
C. Player Registration ......................................................................................4
D. Player Divisions ...........................................................................................5
a. Baseball ........................................................................................................5
b. Softball ..........................................................................................................7
E. Selection of Managers ..................................................................................9
F. Selection of Coaches ....................................................................................9
G. Manager/Coach Info......................................................................................9
H. Tryouts ........................................................................................................10
I. Draft ..............................................................................................................11
J. Manager & Coach Safety Meeting ...............................................................13
K. Concussion & Cardiac Arrest Training.........................................................13
L. Safety ………………………….......................................................................13
M. Equipment & Uniforms……………...............................................................13
N. Practice Fields..............................................................................................14
O. Practices…………… ....................................................................................14
P. Game Schedules………………………………………………..........................14
Q. League Operation Training ...........................................................................14
R. Team Photos…………………........................................................................14
S. Board Member on Duty .................................................................................14
T. Opening Ceremony .......................................................................................15
U. Family Fun Day……. ....................................................................................15
V. Closing Ceremony .........................................................................................15
W. Division Standings………………………….....................................................15
X. All-Star Manager/Coach Selection ................................................................15
Y. All Star Player Selection….............................................................................16
Z. Other All Star Procedures ..............................................................................17
AA. Volunteer Appreciation ................................................................................18
BB. Operation of Website .…………………………………………………………...18
CC. Local Game Rules .......................................................................................18
A. General Game Procedures ............................................................................18
B. Tee Ball...........................................................................................................19
C. A Baseball ......................................................................................................20
D. Pee Wee Softball ............................................................................................21
E. AA Baseball ....................................................................................................21
F. AAA Baseball ..................................................................................................22
G. Minor Softball..................................................................................................23
H. Major Baseball ................................................................................................23
I. Major Softball....................................................................................................24
J. Junior (50/70) Baseball ...................................................................................24
K. Junior Softball .................................................................................................24
L. Senior Baseball ...............................................................................................24
M. Senior Softball………. ....................................................................................24
N. Big League Softball .........................................................................................24
O. Protests ...........................................................................................................25
P. Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct & Volunteer Expectations……..................25
In conjunction with the Objective of the Camas Little League Constitution Sec 1 and 2 above, the board of directors has confirmed the following vision of success for our league:
- Foster a community based softball and baseball program, serving recreational and competitive players alike
- Encourage a long career in sports
- Promote proper player pathing
- Empower coaches with resource; communicate well
- Target regular season competitive parity
- Strong all-star team showings, aiming to win district with each team
- Grow membership by creating an awesome experience for players, families and volunteers
- Fill board of directors roles with non-parents when ever possible
Each local Little League Board of Directors (Board) should adopt its own Bylaws (also referred to as Local Rules or Ground Rules). For the purposes of this document, all further reference shall be as "Bylaws."
This document expires at the end of the fiscal year (September 30), and must be renewed by a majority vote of the Board annually. The renewal of the Bylaws should take place prior to player registration. Changes to this document require only Board consent, without the need of the general membership’s approval; however, no changes are to be made by the board to the Bylaws after January 31st of the upcoming season. No part of the Bylaws can conflict with or supersede any Little League rule, regulation, or policy. The Board retains the right to review and modify, by majority vote, these bylaws, if it is determined mid-season a modification would be in the best interest of the league.
Abbreviations: CLL = Camas Little League Camas Little League
League fees will be waived for Camas Little League Board of Directors.
The League will apply for the standard insurance from Little League International each year.
The league will apply for protection from theft (crime insurance policy).
All children who play Little League baseball and softball, as well as adults who serve as managers (maximum of 1 per team), coaches (maximum of 2 per team), designated parents who assist with practices and have been approved by the Board, umpires, official scorekeepers, Player Agents and Safety Officers are covered by Little League accident insurance. This insurance covers eligible participants while traveling directly, without delay, to and from the field as well as during practice sessions and games, as well as other authorized league activities. Accident insurance coverage does not begin until after the league has submitted its charter and insurance application for the season.
The League will begin conducting online player registration in December and run through early March. All registration dates will be decided on by December 1st. Registration dates will be advertised in the community (i.e. in newspaper announcements, street signs, and on the league website) starting in December. To encourage registration during the regularly scheduled times, the Board may choose to offer Early Bird player registration rates up to a specific date, and then increase to regular rates after that date. While it is a general rule that no child that meets all registration requirements will be turned away from participating in Camas Little League, the Board reserves the right to make exceptions due to extenuating circumstances. A majority vote by the Board will be needed to deny a player’s registration.
No child will be turned away because of an inability to pay a fee. In a case where the parents cannot pay the required fees, the League may ask a parent or the child to contribute volunteer time in lieu of payment.
Individual player registration documents (i.e. proof of residency documents and registration forms) will be destroyed upon the completion of the regular/fall season to preserve families’ privacy. Copies of birth certificates, and all-star documents will be kept by league until the player is no longer playing.
Baseball Senior League | League age 15–16 · 13-14 year old players may play up to Senior League if approved by the Board. Typical reason would be that player is at an advanced skill level · 13 year old players are not eligible for Senior all-stars |
Baseball Junior League | League age 13–14 · 12 year old playerss may play up to Junior League if approved by the Board. Typical reason would be that player is at an advanced skill level · 12 year old players are not eligible for Junior all stars |
Baseball Intermediate (50-70 program) | League age 11-13 · 50’ pitching distance, 70’ base paths · Stealing & pick-offs allowed · Transition for players moving from Majors to larger fields · Players are eligible for the 50/70 All Star team |
Baseball Major League | League age 10-12 · 9 year old players, with an advanced skill level, may play if drafted · Teams formed by a draft · Competitive: 6 innings, umpires, scores are kept, standings recorded · Players are eligible for 11/12, 10/11 and 9/10 all-star teams, based on their league age |
Baseball Triple A (AAA) Minors | League age 8-11 · 8 year old players should attend a AAA tryout if interested in being drafted to AAA · 12 year old players may play AAA, at a parent’s request, with board approval. Typical reason would be skill level/safety risk at Majors level. 12-year old players cannot pitch in AAA · Teams formed by a draft · Competitive: 6 innings, umpires, scores are kept, standings recorded · Players are eligible for 10/11 and 9/10 all-star teams, based on their league age |
Baseball Double A (AA) Pee Wee | League age 7-9 · Players league age 8-9 that attend a AAA or Majors tryout, and are not drafted will be placed on a AA team · Teams formed by coach/friend requests, school, and competitive balance · Non-competitive: 5 innings, pitching machine, standings, and scores not kept · Recommended that players have at least one year of Single A experience |
Baseball Single A (A) Pee Wee | League age 6-8 · Non-competitive/Instructional: 5 innings, coach pitch, standings and scores not kept · Recommended that players have one year of T-ball experience |
Baseball Tee Ball Pee Wee | League age 4-6 · Introductory/Instructional: Game time is 60 minutes, no score kept |
Softball Big League | League age 17-18 · 14-16 year olds may play up to Big League if approved by the Board. Typical reason would be that player is at an advanced skill level · 14-15 year olds are not eligible for Big League all-star team |
Softball Senior League | League age 15-16 · 13-14 year olds may play up to Senior League if approved by the Board. Typical reason would be that player is at an advanced skill level · 13 year olds are not eligible for Senior all-stars |
Softball Junior League | League age 13-14 · 12 year olds may play up to Junior League if approved by the Board. Typical reason would be that player is at an advanced skill level. · If a 12 year old plays in at least 60% of Junior games then they are eligible for the Junior all-star team |
Softball Major League | League age 10-12 · 9 year olds may play up to Major League if approved by the Board. Typical reason would be that player is at an advanced skill level · 9 year olds are not eligible for Major all-star team |
Softball Minor League | League age 8-10 · 11-12 year olds may play down to Minor League if approved by the Board. Typical reason would be safety of the player. 12 year olds are not eligible for any all-star team if they play down to Minors; 12 year olds cannot pitch in Minor League; and 11 year olds who play down to Minors are only eligible for the 9-11 year old all-stars · 7-8 year olds may play up to Minor League if approved by the Board. Typical reason would be that player is at an advanced skill level. 7-8 year olds are not eligible for Minor all-stars |
Softball Pee Wee | League age 7-8 · 6 year olds who have at least 1 year of Tee Ball experience may play up to Pee Wee |
Softball Tee Ball | League age 4-6 · 7 and 8 year olds may play, at a parent’s request, with board approval. · Introductory/instructional: 3 innings, no score kept · League age for softball divisions, as referred to in the above table, is the age of the girl on the January 1 prior to the season · Girls will have the choice to play on all-girl Tee Ball and Single A baseball teams, provided there are enough girls to field a team |
The League President shall appoint volunteers to serve as managers within the league for the upcoming season, at least 7 days prior to the draft – only after the potential manager has submitted a completed volunteer form and passed a background check. All Managers must also attend a League sponsored rules clinic prior to the start of the season. All appointments must be approved by the league’s Board of Directors, by majority vote.
It is not guaranteed that the previous year’s managers will be reappointed. Priority will be based on the following criteria:
Candidate leads with a positive attitude, good knowledge of the game, demonstrates integrity, and is generally considered to be reliable. Has not had any formal complaints lodged against them to the Board in previous seasons due to use of foul language, lack of respect for umpires, coaches and players, or other inappropriate behavior.
Managed a CLL team last season in the same division.
Managed a CLL team last season in another division.
Coached a CLL team last season in the same division.
Coached a CLL team last season in another division.
Prior coaching experience in another league, references provided upon request.
Valid nominee from CLL Board Member.
Assisted with a CLL team last season, but not in capacity of coach or manager. The President may manage or coach provided he/she does not serve on the Protest Committee, nor serve as a tournament team manager or coach. The Vice President may manage or coach provided he/she does not serve on the Protest Committee. Player Agents for AAA and higher in the baseball division may not manage or coach in their respective division(s). Regulation I(b).
The manager of each team shall nominate up to 2 coaches at least 7 days prior to their first game of the season, to assist with practices, games, and other team functions. The Board, by majority vote, must approve the coaches prior to the first game of the season, only after the nominated coaches have submitted a completed volunteer application form, and passed a background check. Coaches must also attend a League sponsored rules clinic prior to the first game. Additional coaches (Practice coaches) may assist with practices, provided they have also submit a completed volunteer application form, and pass a background check and be approved by the board. Practice coaches will not be recognized as an official coach on the team roster submitted to Little League International, nor will they be eligible to be a manager or coach for an all-star team. Each regular season team may have up to two coaches, in addition to the manager, to formally assist in team operations, games and practices. Additional practice coaches may be approved by the board, however, these individuals may not be in the dugout, on the field, or coach in any fashion during games for AAA and Majors, except to fill-in for an absent manager or coach.
Managers and coaches will abide by the rules of the Little League Code of Conduct. Those who violate these rules will face disciplinary actions. It is possible for a coach or manager to be removed after the first offense. Each Manager and Coach will be responsible for the following:
Safety of team members.
Sportsmanship of players, coaches, and parents.
Making Little League an enjoyable experience for all team players.
Instruction of the fundamentals of baseball/softball.
Ensure that all players meet minimum playing requirements.
Supply help to prepare the field at all games.
Provide official scorekeeper when home team.
Clean up fields, dugouts, and bleacher areas after games.
Become familiar with the rulebook and its intent.
Take care of equipment and uniforms.
Provide (2) game balls when home team.
Have a parent meeting prior to start of season.
Have medical releases available during all team functions including games and practices.
Do not allow winning to be more important than the development of each player.
Instill the Little League philosophy.
Participate in all league functions, including fundraising and work details.
Be responsible for your own behavior at all league activities.
Promptly return equipment and uniforms in good order to the designated Board member at the end of the season. Uniforms should be washed before returning.
Abide by all Little League and Camas Little League Rules and Regulations.
Have fun.
Provide the following information ,as provided by the Board of Directors for the purposes of continuity and compliance with Little League International policies, to each player’s parents, preferably in a team meeting prior to the start of practices:
Give practice place and times, discuss game day procedures
Discuss your goals as a manager for the team
Discuss your method of discipline, and league rules regarding game discipline
Explain minimum playing time, and pitching rules
Distribute game schedules
Assign team parent responsibilities
Give name, e-mail address, and telephone number of League Player Agent
Explain parent conduct/responsibilities, including conduct at games
Explain Little League insurance
Go over the general rules for your division
Review all-stars and tournament play procedures (Minors/AAA & above)
Share League calendar of events, and team website
Any player that is league age 9 or older must attend a League sponsored tryout. Players league aged 8 and below are welcome to attend a tryout if interested in being drafted to an AAA or Majors team. Players aged 8-12 are not guaranteed to be drafted to a AAA and/or Majors team. If they are not drafted, they will be added to the draft in the next division lower. In the event that a player is moved to AA, they will be placed on a team by the Player Agent. All parents will be notified in advance to such changes.
Prior to tryouts, the Player Agent will make a list showing the names and League age of each player. Tryouts will be conducted in February, as determined by the Board. All Manager Candidates must attend tryouts, or have a stand-in to evaluate players. During the tryouts, each player will:
Field ground balls
Each skill will be graded by the board approved Player Evaluation Committee. Results of tryouts will be organized by the Player Evaluation Committee and made available to managers to assist with improving competitive balance during player selection at the draft.
The minimum number of players on a roster is 6 for Tee Ball, 10 for Minors, 11 for Majors and above . The preferred number of players drafted to each team shall be 11 Minors and Majors teams. In no case shall there be more than 13 players assigned to a team. If more than 13 players need to be assigned to a team, then an additional team should be drafted, provided there are enough total players to ensure a minimum of 10 players per team in that division. Only managers (or proxy if manager is unable to attend draft) and player agent are permitted at the draft, unless otherwise agreed upon by the board.
After Tryouts have been completed, the draft will be conducted. The draft order is determined by drawing numbers. The manager that draws #1 drafts first in the first round and then last in the second round and then first in the third round and so on (i.e. serpentine order).
Majors’ managers will draft teams first from the entire pool of players that attended a tryout and registered for the “Majors” division. After the Majors managers have drafted teams, the AAA managers will draft from the remaining pool of players that attended a tryout and registered for the “Majors/AAA” or “AAA/AA” divisions. The remaining players that weren’t drafted in the AAA draft, will be placed on AA teams, with school and coach/friend requests taken into consideration.
Players league aged 12 must be drafted to a Majors team. If a move to AAA is requested by the parents, or determined by division managers and the Player Agent, an exception must be filed with the District Administrator. If a 12-year old was to play AAA, they would not be eligible to pitch per LL rules. Player’s league aged 11 must be drafted to a Majors team or a AAA team. Players league aged 8-10 that attend a tryout but are not drafted to Majors or a AAA team will be placed on an AA team. No more than 8 players may be selected by each team from each League age.
Sons and daughters of the Manager (all divisions): The son or daughter of the manager must be drafted to their team in the round designated by the Player Evaluation Committee.
Trades (all divisions): When the draft is complete, the managers may conduct trades. All trades must be completed the night of the draft. Trades can only involve one player for one player (i.e. cannot trade 1 player for 2 players). Trades for draft choices are not allowed. Trades must be kept confidential.
Players that did not tryout (all divisions): If a player is league age 8-11 and request to be placed on a Minor, AAA or Majors team, they must meet with the Player Agent for an evaluation to determine level of play that is suitable for the player. Players league aged 12 will first be considered for a Majors team, unless determined that they need to be placed in the Minors, AAA division. The names of players that did not attend tryouts will be placed in a “hat” and drawn to determine team placement. The Player Agent will notify all managers of this process prior to the draft. Players that do not tryout, can be eligible for the all-star tournament, provided they meet eligibility requirements, and the Board receives and approves a written request submitted by the parents for exception, based on extenuating circumstances by opening day. Note: Little League rules state that players who miss tryouts are not eligible for all-stars. However, the same rule allows the Board to make exceptions for players.
Secrecy (all divisions): Managers and Board members are not to share with anyone, (i.e. parents or players) the order in which the players were drafted. If this rule is broken, the manager and/or Board member(s) may be suspended or removed from the league.
Player additions after the draft has been conducted (AAA and above divisions): The names of each team with 11 or fewer players on their roster will be placed in a hat. The Player Agent will draw the name of a team out of the hat. In the event, that all teams have 13 players, the Player Agent will present the case to the Board for discussion and placement.
Divisional Player Movement during Season: A player that is league aged approved to play in a higher division may be moved from AA to AAA and AAA to Majors (or vice versa) during the season, if the following process is followed, and the appropriate approvals are granted. A request must be made by a Manager to their respective Player Agent to pull or push a player up/down. Acceptable reasons to move a player are not limited to but include: a) to fill a roster spot when a team in the next division up falls below 10 players and there are no new registrations. b) A player is deemed a safety risk either to himself/herself or to others. c) High level of performance as determined by the players Manager. Once the Player Agent in the current division has received such a request, they should reach out to the Vice President to discuss. Once the two have reviewed the feedback from Managers in both divisions, they will present their recommendations to the Board. The Board and Player Agent, along with the parent/guardian, will make the final decision on whether to move a player or not. If a player declines to move up when a vacancy occurs, that player will not be allowed a second chance to move up later.
To ensure all Managers are aware of eligible players that can be moved, a list of eligible players not drafted will be provided by the Player Agent at the conclusion of the Majors and AAA drafts. It will then be the responsibility of the Player Agent to notify their Managers prior to their draft that this list of players is eligible to be pushed/pulled at any point during the season.
A mandatory safety training will be put on by the Safety Officer prior to any official team practices. Each team must have a manager or coach attend this training. No team will be allowed to practice until it has one coach or manager attended a safety meeting.
All managers, coaches, and parents must review the concussion and cardiac awareness training provided by the league prior to the start of the season. All must then acknowledge that they have reviewed this training either through written documentation, or an online signature through the league website.
An umpire may EJECT a player for safety violations. Violations may include, but are not limited to, knocking off the batting helmet while running the bases, throwing the bat in anger as to endanger another player, manager, coach or spectator, throwing equipment in the dugout or on the playing field.
No jewelry of any kind will be worn during practice or games, this includes earrings, necklaces, rings, watches, bracelets, etc.
No team shall have apparel other than that set forth by Little League International and approved by the Board of Camas Little League.
No foreign substances in the mouth, except mouth guard.
All catcher masks will have a throat protector.
No foreign objects in pockets.
There shall be no on-deck batters or practice swings allowed in Majors and below.
On the judgment of the umpire, any abusive language, inappropriate gestures and/or unnecessary roughness shall be grounds for removal from the game.
Umpires will wear gear provided. Exception: Pee Wee Softball, Single A and T-ball games.
Adults shall not warm up any player ON or OFF the field.
No food or drink will be allowed in the dugouts, except water or sports drink in a plastic or paper container.
All players used as base coaches must wear batting helmets.
It is recommended that all male players wear a cup
An inventory of equipment and uniforms will be maintained at all times. The Board members responsible for equipment and uniforms will determine a budget needed at the beginning of the fiscal year, and present to the board for approval. The Board members responsible for equipment and uniforms will schedule time for all managers to pick up their uniforms and equipment at the beginning of the season and return them after the season has completed.
Priority for fields with a backstop, will be from the highest division to youngest division. The fields with backstops will be distributed relatively proportionally between baseball and softball.
No regular season team may meet more than 4 times per week, games and practices combined. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action to the Manager. Teams should meet at least 2 times per week. Tee Ball and Pee Wee softball teams should practice no more than 1 hour and 15 minutes, twice a week. Makeup games during the season are not subject to the same limitations.
Tee Ball games will be scheduled for 1-hour time slots. Minors Baseball and Pee Wee Softball will generally be scheduled for 1.5-hour time slots. Majors Baseball and Upper Division Softball will be scheduled for 2-hour time slots. The only exception will be divisions that play interleague games. In that case, interleague rules will dictate the time limits. No regularly scheduled games will be on Sundays, holidays, holiday weekends, or after Camas School District breaks for the summer. Makeup games are not subject to the same limitations, so long as both managers agree.
Manager and Coach Duties and Responsibilities
Board Member on Duty Responsibilities
The Board will collect at least 2 proposals from professional photography companies, and shall select by majority vote, one of the companies to take photos of each team during the season.
The Board Member on Duty shall be responsible for:
Opening up the complex no later than 45 minutes before the start of the first games of the day.
Make sure all fields are ready to go and are playable.
Help rule on any situation that an umpire might ask for help on.
Take good notes of any altercation that may occur; file log book.
Notify President of any ejections, and Safety Officer of any injuries.
Escort individuals out of park if excused from playing area, calling police if necessary.
Count the concession stand till, collect, and store it per instructions, (i.e. safe).
Close the complex at the conclusion of games for the day, ensuring buildings and sheds are locked, and alarm set. Turn out the lights no later than 10:00 pm.
The opening ceremony should be conducted either the weekend before the season starts or the first week after the season starts. Each team will be recognized. The sponsors will be recognized. All the teams will collectively recite the Little League pledge.
U. FAMILY FUN DAY: (optional)
Should the Board elect to do so by majority vote; it will use League funds to host a Fun Day for the players of the league. The primary purpose should not be to raise funds for the league, but should be to offer free activities primarily for the enjoyment of the kids. Simply put, to celebrate the player’s achievements, the league, the volunteers, and the families. Historically, this day has been run in conjunction with the closing ceremonies.
The closing ceremony should be conducted at the conclusion of the regular season, and prior to all-star rosters being announced. All first-place teams and sportsmanship award winners in each division should be recognized and be given league-supplied trophies or medals. Sponsors and volunteers should be recognized and thanked.
Division standings will be decided by a format that rewards teams that play as many of their scheduled games and make up as many rained out games as possible. As such, the following format should be followed to determine standings:
Most wins in season
Best head to head record
Most runs scored head to head
Most runs scored in season
No games played after the start of Closing Ceremony count in determining division standings.
Managers and coaches may come from the following divisions:
8-10 all-star team – manager or coach from Minor (AAA) or Major division
9-11 all-star team – manager or coach from Major or Minor (AAA) division
11-12 baseball all-star team and 10-12 softball all-star team – manager or coach from Major division
Intermediate 50/70 all-star team – manager or coach from intermediate 50/70 division
Junior all-star team – manager or coach from Junior or Senior division
Senior all-star team – manager or coach from Junior, Senior or Big League division
Big League all-star team – manager or coach from Senior or Big League division
The Player Agent will collect submissions to manage an all-star team, and then provide to the Board for a majority vote. The Board may request manager candidates to present in front of the board, prior to the vote. Any all-star manager candidate who is a member of the Board, will excuse themselves from the vote for the All Star manager position in which they are requesting. The All-star Coaches for each division will be selected by the Manager. All coaches must be approved by a majority vote of the Board. The managers will be selected based on the following traits:
Coaching and organizational ability
The goal of Camas Little League is to field the most competitive team in each Division.
All eligible players will be notified a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of the All-Star selection process.
Majors’ baseball and softball players are eligible for 10-12, 9-11 and 8-10 All-Star teams, depending on their league age. AAA baseball players and Minors softball players are eligible for 9-11 and 8-10 All-Star teams, depending on their league age.
Players and parents must sign the All-Star commitment form, before being placed on a ballot.
The All-Star teams for each division will consist of 12 to 14 players.
All-Star ballots will be generated by the respective Player Agent. The ballot will include players name, team name, league age, and division they played in. The ballot will be drawn listing all eligible players by division. A player must have played in 60 percent of League games to be eligible.
AA players and lower are NOT eligible for All-Stars, since they were not drafted to a team, which is a qualification for All-stars.
Voting will be conducted no later than the first week of June. Managers and coaches of record will vote.
The Player agent will meet with all managers and coaches from all teams in the All-Star eligible divisions, to discuss eligible player candidacy. Meetings will take place midseason. Managers should nominate, for discussion and closer evaluation, those players from their respective team most appropriate for selection to the All Star Team. Managers will be responsible for making sure their teams are aware of which players played up a division.
After all player votes are counted, the all-star teams will be finalized through a meeting with the VP of the division, the Player Agent of the division, and the managers and coaches of record for the season, within the applicable divisions (e.g. minors and above). Teams will be built in sequential order, starting with the highest level team (e.g. Majors baseball). The manager may determine the 2 players that fill the final roster positions.
The following criteria will be used to define the strategy for All-Star selections once the voting is completed:
The objective is to fairly, and impartially select the most skilled and competitive team possible for tournament play at each division
The most highly skilled players, as evidenced by the players’ performance during the season
Availability of the players and his/her families to meet the time commitments, and obligations required of All-Stars
Any other factors that may, in the manager’s judgment, reflect upon the candidate’s fitness and ability to play on an All-Star team
The Board has the discretion to review the overall skill levels within each division or age group, to determine the best strategy for filling each All-Star team
Each All-Star team will be determined based on the following selection criteria:
The Senior All-Star team will be completed first from among eligible players from the Senior Divisions, per the defined voting in Section 12
Following the selection of the Senior division All-Star team, the Junior division All-Star team will be completed next from among eligible players from the Junior or Senior divisions per the defined voting in Section 11 and strategy stated in Section 12
Intermediate 50/70 All-Star team will be completed from among eligible players from the Intermediate 50/70 division, per the defined voting in Section 11 and strategy stated in Section 12
The Majors 10-12 All-Star team will be completed first from among eligible 10, 11 and 12 year old players that played in the Majors division during the regular season, per the voting defined in section 12
Following the selection of the 10-12 All-Star team, the 9-11 All-Star team will be completed next from among eligible players from the remaining 10 and 11 year old players, per the defined voting in Section 12
Following the selection of the 9-11 All-Star team, the 8-10 All-Star team will be completed next from among eligible players from the remaining 10 year old players and eligible 9 year old players, per the defined voting in Section 12
When selecting a second All-Star team in the same division, the same procedure in #12 above will be followed, after the first team is complete. The Vice President and Player Agent of the Division can propose an alternative strategy to build a second team to the board for vote and approval
After the teams have been determined, the All-Star manager for each team will nominate up to 2 coaches to be approved by the board.
The All-Star teams will be announced the day following the Closing Ceremonies
Total reimbursement will not exceed budgeted amount for the year
Minimum of 100-mile one-way travel distance to tournament site, required for reimbursement
The League reimbursement is for players and manager/coaches of record.
The League reimbursements cover the day prior to opening ceremonies through the night of the last game played
Hotel: Three players and managers/coaches per room, not to exceed $125 per room per night (e.g. 12 players = 4 rooms, and 3 manger/coaches = 1 room, for a total of 5 rooms at $625 per night per team)
Mileage: Four Players/Manager/Coaches per car. Reimbursement is based on the current IRS standard mileage rate for service for charitable organizations
Meals: $20 per day for each player/manager/coach of record (15 players/manager/coaches = $300 per day)
The purpose of the volunteer appreciation activity, if approved by majority vote of the Board, will be for the League to host a meal or other activity for all the volunteers, including managers, coaches, umpires, team parents, sponsors, and Board members, preferably once the season has finished. The activity should recognize and thank the volunteers for their involvement in the league the past season.
The league shall maintain a website to be updated on a regular basis. At a minimum, information to be posted on the website should include:
League address
List of Board members and contact information
Rainout instructions – contact your player’s coach
Emergency contact – contact your player’s coach
Player registration information
Instructions on how to volunteer
Copy of the League Constitution, Bylaws & Charter
Fundraiser information, if a league fundraiser will be conducted
Calendar of league events
Little League forms
Game schedules
Field locations
Recognition of sponsors
The league may also maintain a presence and participate in other social media services such as Facebook and Twitter. These services should be used to communicate and interact with league members and families for the purpose of communicating league events, and pertinent information about the league.
Unless noted below, all games will be played in accordance with the current season’s Little League International Official Regulations and Playing Rules. For interleague games, the current District 4 interleague rules will apply.
General Game Procedures:
Unsuitable Playing Field: Managers and coaches from both teams should meet at the field 45 minutes before game time to determine if field is suitable for play. If the two managers do not agree, or if either of the managers is not present at the field, the umpire or Board Member on Duty (BMOD) from the host league shall make the determination. The host league may close their facility to all play at the host league’s discretion. See rule 3.10 in the Little League Official Playing Rules. If field is not playable or the facility has been closed, contact the traveling team as much in advance of game time as possible.
Scheduling of Umpires: Home team is responsible for umpire scheduling, no matter which team’s field is used.
Game Balls: The home team shall furnish 2 new regulation game balls.
It is the responsibility of the two managers to reschedule a cancelled game, or to complete a game that does not reach the minimum number of innings to become an official game. The Player Agent for that division should be notified within 48 hours after the regularly scheduled game was to be played that the game needs to be rescheduled. I f one manager is willing to reschedule a game cancelled due to unplayable conditions or a partially completed game and the other manager is not, then the team not willing to reschedule the game will forfeit. Any disagreements between the two teams about rescheduling a game should immediately be taken to the Player Agent.
Managers unable to field a team of at least 9 players for a scheduled game during the season must notify the other team and the Player Agent for their division ASAP prior to that game or the game will go to the Board for possible forfeit.
The home team is responsible for providing the official scorekeeper (AAA and higher).
The home team takes the dugout on the 3rd base side. The home team is responsible for raking, lining, and getting the bases for the field prior to the game. The visiting team takes the dugout on the 1st base side. The visiting team is responsible for putting the bases away and raking the field after the game— unless it is an interleague game. In that case, the home team is responsible for both duties. Each team is responsible for leaving their dugouts and bleachers clean after the game.
No gum, candy, food, seeds or glass of any kind is allowed in the dugout or on the field during games. Sports drinks and water are allowed in the dugouts only. This rule applies to players, coaches, managers and umpires.
Tee Ball:
A game shall last for no more than 60 minutes.
No score will be kept.
All players should have equal playing time and equal time at all positions.
The entire lineup will bat each inning, regardless of the number of outs.
Defensively, there should be 10 players on the field, 6 in the infield and 4 in the outfield.
The player pitcher should have at least 1 foot on the pitcher’s rubber when the batter hits the ball (do not have the pitcher play way in) .
A batting tee will be placed on home plate for the batter to hit off. The ball must travel at least 15 feet (where a chalk line will be marked) to constitute a hit. Otherwise, it is a foul ball.
No throwing the bat. The first time is a warning. The second time, the batter is out.
The coach working with the batter will ensure the catcher remains out of the way when the batter is swinging the bat.
No bunting allowed.
No sliding allowed.
No stealing allowed.
No strikeouts.
Two coaches may be on the field to assist the team when on defense.
One coach will be with the batter, one base coach at first and third base, and one adult in the dugout helping with the batting order.
The coach at home plate helping the batter is the umpire. They will also be responsible to move the tee and bat when a base runner is running towards home plate.
One base only on an overthrow out of play.
Play stops when the pitcher has control of the ball.
The distance between bases is 50 feet and the distance from home plate to the pitcher’s mound is 46 feet.
For the final batter of each half inning, the defensive team should attempt to make a play on the batter. Do not immediately throw home and have the catcher waiting for the runner(s).
Single A (A) Baseball:
This is a non-competitive, instructional level of baseball. Score and standings are not kept. This is a pitching-machine and/or coach pitch league.
A game shall consist of 5 innings or 1 hour 30 minutes, whichever occurs first. If no game follows, the time limit may be extended if agreed by both managers.
Each batting team’s inning ends on 3 outs or 5 runs, whichever occurs first.
Score is only kept track when 5 runs have been reached each inning. The game score should not be shared with the players. The emphasis is on learning, not winning.
Managers should give all players equal playing time and equal time at all positions.
Offensive teams will bat their entire roster, including substitutes. If the third out is obtained before the 5-run limit is achieved, the inning is ended and the offensive team resumes the batting order where it left off their next at bat.
Defensive playing time should be equal. Defensive players should rotate between infield and outfield every inning and, unless an extreme safety risk, all players should get equal play at all infield positions. Players shall not be on the bench for more than one inning per game.
Coach pitches maximum 5 pitches.
The pitching mound shall be located 46 feet from home plate. The player pitcher should not be standing closer than 46 feet when the adult pitcher releases the pitch.
No throwing the bat. The first time is a warning. The second time, the batter is out.
Play is dead when a fielder has the ball. If runner is over halfway to next base they may advance. If less, then they must retreat back to previous base.
No stealing allowed.
Two coaches may be on the field to assist the team when on defense.
One base only on an overthrow out of play.
Sliding is allowed at 2nd, 3rd and home. Feet first only.
The “softie” baseball must be used.
Must only have 1 player per position and no more than 10 defensive players (4 outfielders).The outfielders must be positioned no closer than the edge of the outfield grass.
Pee Wee Softball:
A game shall consist of 5 innings or 1.5 hours, whichever occurs first. If there is not another game following, then the time limit may be extended if agreed by both managers. For interleague games, interleague time limits must be followed.
Each batting team’s inning ends on 3 outs or 5 runs, whichever occurs first.
Score is only kept to track when 5 runs have been reached each inning. The game score should not be shared with the players. The emphasis is on learning, not winning.
Managers should give all players equal playing time and equal time at all positions.
Offensive teams will bat their entire roster, including substitutes. If the third out is obtained before the 5-run limit is achieved, the inning is ended and the offensive team resumes the batting order where it left off their next at bat.
Defensively, there should be 9 players on the field – 6 infield and 3 outfield.
If the batter does not put the ball in play after 3 swinging strikes or 7 total pitches then they are out. The only exception is that they cannot be out when the last pitch is fouled.
The first half of the season, an adult from the batting team will pitch to all the batters. There shall be no coaching to the batter by the adult pitcher.
The second half of the season, a player will pitch the first 4 pitches to each opposing batter. If the batter has not struck out after the 4th pitch, then an adult pitcher from the batting team pitches no more than 3 additional pitches to the batter.
The player pitcher should not be standing closer to the batter than 35 feet when the adult pitcher releases the pitch.
When the player pitches to the batter, they may stand closer than the 35-foot distance if they need to in order to help get the ball across the plate. However, they should stand far enough from home plate to be safe and they should not move closer just to gain an advantage on the batter.
Only those batters struck by a pitch from a youth player shall be awarded first base. They do not have to take first base if they want to continue batting. That pitch will not count as one of the 7 pitches per batter. A manager should consider replacing a pitcher who hits 3 batters.
No throwing the bat. The first time is a warning. The second time, the batter is out.
No stealing allowed.
Two coaches may be on the field to assist the team when on defense.
One base only on an overthrow out of play.
Play stops when the pitcher has control of the ball in the pitcher’s 8-foot radius circle. Runners less than half way to the next base must return to base.
Double A (AA) Baseball:
This division provides training/instruction for players who by reason or age or other factors who do not qualify for AAA. Teams are based on school the player attends, coach/friend requests and competitive balance.
Standings and score are not kept.
This is a pitching machine league. Players who are ready to pitch should be considered for AAA teams. In the event a pitching machine is not available, coach will pitch to their respective teams. Board of Directors will review, discuss and have the option to modify AA pitching machine rule after 1 month of games.
Pitching machine is placed 42 feet from plate
Balls and strikes are called. Three strikes and the batter is out. There are no walks.
The batter remains at bat if the pitch is fouled off.
Player pitchers must be within 3 feet of the pitching machine, even with, or behind the mound, not any closer to the plate.
Home team is required to provide the home plate umpire or an umpire behind the mound. All umpires behind the plate must wear proper umpire gear.
5 run limit per inning.
A game shall consist of 5 innings or 1 hour 30 minutes, whichever occurs first. If no game follows, the time limit may be extended if agreed by both managers.
No coaches (other than coach pitching) are allowed on the field for instructional purposes.
Teams bat their entire roster, including substitutes. If the third out or 5-run limit is obtained, the inning is ended. The team resumes the batting order where it left off their next at bat.
Must only have 1 player per position and no more than 9 defensive players (3 outfielders). The outfielders must be positioned no closer than the edge of the outfield grass.
Triple A (AAA) Baseball:
The purpose of this division is to provide training and instruction for those players who by reason of age or skill level do not qualify for selection to Majors. Teams are formed by draft.
This division is all player pitching.
There will be 5 run limit per inning, unless it’s an out of the park home run.
Time limits apply. If a game is following, no new inning will start 1 hour 30 minutes after the scheduled start time and play will end at 1 hour 45 minutes. If no game is following, no new inning will start after 1 hour 45 minutes and play shall stop immediately at 9:00 p.m. If play is stopped before qualifying as a regulation game (Rule 4.10 (c)), the conclusion of the game will need to be rescheduled. If play is stopped and qualifies as a regulation game, refer to Rule 4.11 to determine the final score.
No coaches are allowed on the field for defensive instructional purposes.
Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers (only players may warm up pitchers).
Catchers must wear a catcher’s mask when warming up pitchers.
Offensive teams will bat their entire roster, including substitutes. If the third out is obtained before the 5-run limit is achieved, the inning is ended and the offensive team resumes the batting order where it left off their next at bat.
Minor Softball:
No more than 5 runs per inning shall be scored. There shall be no open or unlimited innings.
If the game is stopped short of an unofficial game, the conclusion of the game will have to be rescheduled. For interleague games, interleague time limits must be followed.
Managers and coaches of record are allowed on the playing field, when their team is on defense, for training purposes only. They shall not physically assist any player in any way.
Verbal instruction is allowed. At least one adult manager or coach shall be in the dugout with the players at all times.
Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers (only players warm up pitchers). Catchers must wear a catcher’s mask when warming up pitchers.
On passed balls and wild pitches, runners may advance (steal) no more than one base per pitch, unless a play is made on the runner.
Runners may not advance from 3rd base to home on a passed ball, wild pitch or throw back to the pitcher for the first half of the season.
Runners may not advance past 1st base on a walk when the pitcher has control of the ball in the circle for the first half of the season. The “Circle rule” (Rule 7.08a.5b) will be in effect in the 2nd half of the season.
Offensive teams will bat their entire roster, including substitutes. If the third out is obtained before the 5 run limit is achieved, the inning is ended and the offensive team resumes the batting order where it left off their next at bat.
Major Baseball:
There should be no time limits, unless league size and field availability require multiple games to be scheduled on the same night and fields. In only those cases, when a game is following, no new inning will start 1 hour 45 minutes after the scheduled start time and play will end at 2 hours. In all cases, play shall stop immediately at 9:00 p.m. If play is stopped before qualifying as a regulation game (Rule 4.10 (c)), the conclusion of the game will need to be rescheduled. If play is stopped and qualifies as a regulation game, refer to Rule 4.11 to determine the final score.
For interleague games, interleague time limits must be followed.
The 10-run rule will apply (Rule 4.10(e)).
If after three (3) innings, two and one-half innings if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of fifteen (15) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after four (4) innings, three and one-half innings if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. NOTE: (1) If the visiting team has a lead of fifteen (15) or ten (10) runs or more respectively, the home team must bat in its half of the inning. (2) The local league may adopt the option of not utilizing this rule.
Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers. Catchers must wear a catcher’s mask when warming up pitchers.
Major Softball:
If the game is stopped short of an official game, the conclusion of the game will have to be rescheduled. For interleague games, interleague time limits must be followed.
The 10 run rule will apply (Rule 4.10(e)).
If after three (3) innings, two and one-half innings if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of fifteen (15) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after four (4) innings, three and one-half innings if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. NOTE: (1) If the visiting team has a lead of fifteen (15) or ten (10) runs or more respectively, the home team must bat in its half of the inning. (2) The local league may adopt the option of not utilizing this rule.
Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers. Catchers must wear a catcher’s mask when warming up pitchers.
Junior Baseball / 50/70:
If the game is stopped short of an official game, the conclusion of the game will have to be rescheduled. For interleague games, interleague time limits must be followed.
The 10 run rule will apply (Rule 4.10(e)).
Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers. Catchers must wear a catcher’s mask when warming up pitchers.
Junior Softball:
If the game is stopped short of an official game, the conclusion of the game will have to be rescheduled. For interleague games, interleague time limits must be followed.
The 10 run rule will apply (Rule 4.10(e)).
Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers. Catchers must wear a catcher’s mask when warming up pitchers.
L. Senior Baseball:
If the game is stopped short of an official game (5 innings for Seniors), the conclusion of the game will have to be rescheduled. For interleague games, interleague time limits must be followed.
The 10 run rule will apply (Rule 4.10(e)).
Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers. Catchers must wear a catcher’s mask when warming up pitchers.
M. Senior Softball:
If the game is stopped short of an official game (5 innings for Seniors), the conclusion of the game will have to be rescheduled. For interleague games, interleague time limits must be followed.
The 10 run rule will apply (Rule 4.10(e)).
Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers. Catchers must wear a catcher’s mask when warming up pitchers.
N. Big League Softball:
If the game is stopped short of an official game (5 innings for Big League), the conclusion of the game will have to be rescheduled. For interleague games, interleague time limits must be followed.
The 10 run rule will apply (Rule 4.10(e)).
Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers. Catchers must wear a catcher’s mask when warming up pitchers.
O. Protests: (Minor AAA & above divisions only)
All reasonable effort must be made to settle disputes on the field, to avoid a protest. If there is a dispute on the ruling, the disputing manager will have an opportunity to locate rules and persuade the umpire to change his/her mind. Managers may then exercise regular protest procedures. THERE ARE NO PROTESTS ALLOWED ON JUDGMENT CALLS. The umpire-in-chief may confer with the board member on duty to resolve the protest. If the manager still persists on a protest, the umpire will make sure the protest is noted in the official scorebook. The game will resume until completion. The protest then will be referred to the Protest Committee for review. ONLY MANAGERS CAN PROCLAIM A PROTEST.
The Protest Committee will meet in accordance with rule 4.19F in the official rules and regulations and playing rules book.
If a member of the Protest Committee is in any way connected with the teams involved then he/she shall be declared ineligible to rule on the protest.
The MANAGER/COACHES AND ALL UMPIRES involved in any protest will draft a letter to the League President within 24 hours. The Managers will forward their letter to the President. Letters will include a diagram of exactly what transpired and any necessary comments regarding the situation.
Board Member on Duty will notify President and UIC of any impending protests.
The League President will inform the Managers and Umpires of the Protest Committee ruling in writing.
P. Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct and volunteer expectations: