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Residency Requirements

All participants must either live OR go to school within the Camas Little League boundary.

GREAT NEWS FOR 2019 (and beyond): Little League now requires completion of the School Enrollment Form only ONCE during a participant’s career. If you submitted a School Enrollment Form for your child for Spring 2019, you do not have to complete and submit a new form this year or any subsequent year. If you submit one this year, you will not have to submit one again.
However, if you move out of the boundary area, you will have to compete a
Regulation II(d) waiver.

All Star players from last year (who still live at the same address) and Challenger players do not have to submit residency.

If you have not previously submitted a School Enrollment Form, your child was not a 2019 All Star, or your child is not a Challenger player, you have three options for residency validation: (choose one)
1)  School Enrollment Form ***PREFERRED METHOD***
2)  3 proofs of residency
3)  Waiver

Click HERE for a video on residency and school attendance eligibility requirements.

School Enrollment Form ***PREFERRED METHOD***
If your child attends (as a kindergartener or older) one of the Camas schools that is within the Camas Little League boundary, you can use the school's address to fulfill your residency requirement. Your child must have been enrolled there since the beginning of the school year (specifically prior to Oct 1, 2019).
Those schools include: Dorothy Fox, Grass Valley, Helen Baller, Lacamas Lake, Prune Hill, Skyridge, Liberty, Odyssey and Spanish with Sarah. Players must be full-time students: pre-school, after-school programs etc. do not count.
Once you fill out the School Enrollment Form, have it signed by the school principal or administrator and then upload it during online registration.
League ID# for the form: 4470401 

Woodburn and Camas Christian Academy fall within the East County Little League boundary. Student attending those schools, who live outside of the Camas Little League boundary, cannot play for Camas Little League. The only exception is if there is an older sibling who is also signing up to play this season and who attends Liberty, Skyridge, or Odyssey Middle School. That older sibling plays under the School Enrollment Form, and the younger sibling gets a sibling
Regulation II(d) waiver. Contact [email protected] for help with this process.

3 Proofs of Residency
If you live within the Camas Little League boundary, you can submit three documents to prove residency.

Please note:   

* Each document must show the parent name, address and date
* No envelopes. 
* Ensure all documents are dated or in force between Feb 1, 2019 and Feb 1, 2020. You can black out any financial, etc. info if you'd like.
* You must provide one document from each of the following groups (3 documents total). You cannot use the same document as proof for more than one group:

Group 1 
1. Driver's License
2. School records (but not report cards because they don't show your address)
3. Vehicle records (i.e., registration, lease, etc.)
4. Employment records
5. Insurance documents

Group 2 
1. Welfare/child care records
2. Federal records (e.g., W2, Federal Tax, Social Security -- but not including SS cards as they do not show a date)
3. State records (not including vehicle registration -- all vehicle records fall under Group 1)
4. Local (municipal) records (not including City of Camas water/garbage bills -- all utility bills fall under Group 3)
5. Support payment records
6. Homeowner or tenant records (not homeowner's or renter's insurance -- those fall under Group 1)
7. Military records
(This is a tricky group. Examples (assuming they show a valid date) include mortgage statement, property tax statement, homeowner's association letter/statement, any communication from a state or local office not included under Group 1 or Group 3.) 

Group 3
1. Voter's registration (not including registration cards (because they don't show a valid date) or voter envelopes)
2. Utility bills (e.g., gas, electric, water/sewer, phone, mobile phone, heating, waste disposal)
3. Financial records
4. Medical records
5. Internet, cable, or satellite records 

Regulation II(d) Waiver
(click HERE to download)

The Parents / Guardian of the Player must have lived in the Local League's boundary while the Player was registered and playing (at least 1/2 season) at the Local League. If due to a residential move or league boundary change, the Parents/Guardians no longer live in the boundary of the Local League, the Player may be Approved to continue playing at their former park with a waiver. Siblings of Players who are Approved to play under Regulation II(d) may also qualify to play at the Local League.
League ID# for the form: 4470401

3 valid proofs of Residency from the last season in which the player resided within the Local League boundary are required for this waiver request.

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