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Please note that Camas Little League is offering Early Bird pricing this year.  Please take advantage and sign-up early.
We have also made some changes to our baseball divisions, please visit Important Update 2025 for more information

* Dates are tentative 
          Dec 10          Registration begins.  Take advantage of Early Bird pricing
          Jan. 31          Early Bird pricing ends  
          Feb 21              Last day of main registration                                        
    Feb 22nd & 23rd  
Baseball and Softball tryouts for Upper divisions (Camas High School Field House)* 
     Mar 10           Practices Begin (Upper Divisions)*
          Mar 17             Practice Begins (Lower Divisions)*
          Mar 18          Field Day*
          Apr 7              OPENING DAY!
       May 23-26 No games scheduled over Memorial Day weekend
       Jun 14          Closing Ceremonies & Family Fun Day (Tentative)
          Jun&Jul        All-Stars for those selected in upper divisions

All enrollment is done online now, through our website. Each family will create an account. Please note: make sure your state issued birth certificate is ready to upload before you start. You must upload the birth certificate to create an account. Once your personal information is entered, and birth certificates are uploaded, it will not have to be done again next year, or any years after that -- unless your address changes. Signing up for new seasons, or clinics/camps will be easy. This website allows us to streamline and simplify many processes, communicate info more effectively in a new platform, and utilize information/generate reports to make our organization run more efficiently.  

          Log in and create an account - upload state issued birth certificates at this time.
          Enroll online through your new account.
          Upload your residency verification during the player registration process 

Family Max - $410/family, so bring along the siblings

Pricing for Quick Ball won't change
Baseball & Softball Tee Ball - $125/person

Early Bird 
Coach Pitch - $165/person
A (Machine Pitch) - $165/person
AA (Player Pitch) - $165/person
AAA (Player Pitch) - $205/person
Majors (Player Pitch) - $205/person
Intermediate 50/70 (Player Pitch) - $205/person

Post Early Bird, all prices go up $30 

Early Bird
Peewee (Coach Pitch) - $165/person
Minors (Player Pitch) - $205/person
Majors (Player Pitch) - $205/person
Juniors (Player Pitch) - $205/person

Post Early Bird, all prices go up $30

Assistance is available for families with a financial hardship. Please contact [email protected] prior to signing up. You will need a special payment code to complete the registration process.

All participants must either live OR go to school within the Camas Little League boundary. Specific details are under the Registration tab > Residency Requirements.

GREAT NEWS FOR BOUNDARY VERIFICATION: Little League now requires completion of the School Enrollment Form only ONCE during a participant’s career. If you previously submitted a School Enrollment Form for your child , you do not have to complete and submit a new form this year or any subsequent year. If you submit one this year, you will not have to submit one again. However, if you move out of the boundary area, you will have to compete a Regulation II(d) waiver.

If you have not previously submitted a School Enrollment Form:
If your child attends (as a kindergartener or older) one of the Camas schools that is within our little league boundary, you can use the school's address to fulfill your residency requirement. Your child must have been enrolled there since the beginning of the school year . Those schools include: Dorothy Fox, Grass Valley, Helen Baller, Lacamas Lake, Prune Hill, Liberty, Odyssey, Skyridge, and Spanish with Sarah. Players must be full-time students: pre-school, after-school programs etc. do not count.
Once you fill out the School Enrollment Form, have it signed by the school principal or administrator and then upload it during online registration. 

Woodburn and Camas Christian Academy fall within the East County Little League boundary. Student attending those schools, who live outside of the Camas Little League boundary, cannot play for Camas Little League. The only exception is if there is an older sibling who is also signing up to play this season and who attends Liberty, Skyridge, or Odyssey Middle School. That older sibling plays under the School Enrollment Form, and the younger sibling gets a sibling Regulation II(d) waiver. Contact [email protected] for help with this process.

Instead of the School Enrollment form, you may choose to use your home address to fulfill the residency requirement. You must submit 3 proofs of residency dated between Feb 1, 2024 and Feb 1, 2025. See Registration > Residency Requirements for more information.

If you played for Camas Little League last year and have moved out of our boundary since then, you are still eligible to play for our league by submitting a completed Regulation II(d) waiver during registration.  

All baseball players league age 9 and up are required to attend one tryout -- please attend on the date you are scheduled.

Softball Juniors, Majors and Minors are required to attend one tryout

Evaluation takes roughly 5-10 minutes: bunt, hit, throw, catch/field and run. Bring a bat, glove and helmet if owned.  If not one will be provided for you.

Drafts are scheduled for the week following tryouts. Managers will contact team rosters when complete. For complete details regarding tryout and draft procedures, please review the CLL Bylaws, posted on our website.

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