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LYBL Parent's (Spectator's) Codes 2018-2019






1.        Do not force your child to participate in the sport if he or she is unwilling.

2.        Recognize the value and importance of the coaches.  All coaches must pass a mandatory background check in order to coach in the League.  These coaches are volunteers, sacrificing their time and efforts on behalf of your children.  If you have any suggestions, please share them in a constructive and proper manner (Complaining on social media is not constructive).  If your concern is not addressed, contact the Division Commissioner or League President.

3.        The game is to be enjoyed by the supporters as well as the players.  Show enthusiasm and good sportsmanship.

4.        Read and understand the rules of the league and the game.  Encourage your child to play by these rules.

5.        Lead by example.  Applaud good play by your team and by the opposing team.

6.        Encourage your child and his/her teammates during practices and games.  Do not yell or ridicule your child or the other children for making a mistake.

7.        Help your child recognize his/her mistakes; help him/her to learn from these mistakes.

8.        Reinforce the skills and values being taught by your child’s coaches at home.

9.        Do not publicly question the official’s judgment or their integrity (including on social media).  Should you have any issues regarding officials or their decisions, discuss them with your child’s coach at an appropriate time/place.  The coach will decide if the issue warrants a discussion with the official.

10.     Encourage your child to take responsibility, know when and where practices and games are, be prompt and prepared (water bottle, mouth guard, etc.).  Ensure you drop off and pick up your child on time.

11.     Reinforce to your child that an honest effort is as important as a victory so that a loss is accepted without undue disappointment.

12.     Be responsible for your behavior and the behavior of your other children while at practices and games.  Children are not permitted to run through the school hallways or play on the school stages during League events.


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