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Westwood Youth Softball


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register?

Registration is done online through our website (  Click on the Register Online menu tab on the left during the open registration period. 

 When do the different seasons start and end?
Spring season  - starts after April Vacation and runs through mid June
• Summer season - starts mid June and runs through the end of July
• Fall season - starts mid September and runs through the end of October  

When are the games played?

Grades K and 1 games
are usually scheduled Monday through Friday starting around 5:45 PM.  One or two games per week. Typically for these grade level teams, coaches will hold a practice session for 30-45 minutes and then teams will play a 30-45 minute game.  (For more information click on the Softball Information tab on our website, and select the season of play in question.)

Grades 3 through 8 league games are scheduled twice a week in the spring and summer. Once a week in the fall. Players are asked to arrive approximately 1/2 hr before each game for warm-ups.  For Grades 3 through 8, practices are scheduled by the team's coaches and typically there is one practice a week. (For more information click on the Softball Information tab on our website, and select the season of play in question.)

Games for each travel league are listed below:

Norfolk County Softball League NCSL- Spring

Hockomock Girls Softball League - Summer

Charles River Softball League - Fall

 What equipment does a player need?

  • All players need their own glove. Girls in grades 1 through 5 should have a glove large enough to fit an 11 inch softball. If the glove feels too large, you can always try a batting glove with the fielding glove to help the fit. Girls grades 6 through 8 should have a glove that is large enough to fit a 12 inch softball. 
  • Rubber cleats are recommended, but not required.  
  • Girls grades kindergarten through 8 need a batting helmet. 
    All helmets for travel league players (ie. grades 2 through 8) require cages.
  • Westwood Youth Softball requires that all players grades 2 through 8 wear an infielder mask.
  • Westwood Youth Softball also requires black softball/baseball pants for Grades 2 through 8. And sliding pads for players in Grades 6 through 8, as sliding is taught and encouraged in certain situations.  
  • Each team has an equipment bag with balls, bats, and catcher equipment. 
  • Players may decide to use their own bat. However, all bats used in travel league games must have an ASA/USA certified stamp or it will not be allowed.      
  • You can find more information here

Where are the home games played? (subject to change)

Westwood High School
Senior Center Field (Nahatan Street)
Deerfield Fields #1 and #2
Morrison Softball Field
School Street

Are there umpires for the games?

All league games for Grades 2 though 8 will have umpires. The Umpire controls the game. Coaches may not talk to the umpires while a game is in progress except to ask a question about the progress of the game. (i.e. "What is the count?" Or "How many outs are there?"). Please treat them with respect at all times. If you wish to discuss something with the umpire, please do so between innings.

Grade K-1 typically do not have umpires but coaches or parents may volunteer as needed.

What is the approach to softball for Grades Kindergarten and 1?

Coaches pitch to their own team
Every player bats each inning
Runs and outs are not counted at beginning of season but may be gradually introduced during the season
Fundamentals of hitting, throwing and field positioning are developed with each player. 
Multiple coaches and assistant coaches are utilized during each game.

How can individuals/companies donate or sponsor a team?

Westwood Youth Softball truly appreciates all donations amounts.  Families are able to donate to WYS when completing an online registration.  Individuals or companies are also able to make a donation or sponsor a WYS team.  Please click on the Become a Sponsor tab for a listing of different sponsor levels. You can also contact our Asst. Treasurer/Sponsorships board member listed under About Us Tab -Board Positions/Contacts.  Thank you for your generosity!

How can I volunteer?

We always have a need for more coaches or assistant coaches.  There also may be some open board positions or even just volunteer to help at some of our special events (clinics, Westwood Day, Opening Day Little League parade).  Please volunteer by contacting any of the Board members under About Us Tab -Board Positions/Contacts  or registering as a coach or asstant coach when completing the online registration for your daughter. Thank you for volunteering!

Still have questions about Westwood Youth Softball? 

Please click on the Board Positions/Contacts on the under the About Us Tab menu to contact a specific board member.  

Westwood Youth Softball

P.O. Box 202 
Westwood, Massachusetts 02090
Email : [email protected]
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