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Westwood Youth Softball




In order to advance the principals of sportsmanship and fair play, and to promote mutual respect among players, coaches, referees and spectators, Westwood Youth Softball (WYS) has established this Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct shall govern the actions of all WYS participants: players, coaches, parents, spectators and volunteers. The Code is intended to provide behavioral guidance and establish clear expectations for all participants. The Code was not conceived to address every possible behavioral circumstance; however, it shall serve as WYSs standard for behavioral evaluation. The Code is applicable to all programs. All program participants are obligated to comply with the terms and provisions of the Code of Conduct. Any person violating the Code of Conduct shall be subject to administrative action, up to and including termination of his/her privilege to participate in, or attend, any or all WYS-sponsored activities.


Players, parents, spectators and volunteers shall unconditionally support WYSs commitment to the ideals of good sportsmanship, team play, honesty, integrity, loyalty, and respect for authority. In order to adhere to these principles:

Players agree to
Be sensitive to the physical and emotional well-being of their teammates and opponents.
Respect all coaches, players, league officials, umpires, and spectators.
Obey all rules and regulations outlined in the Code at all WYS-sponsored events, which include but are not limited to, games, practices, fundraisers, tournaments, and league play.
Display good sportsmanship and team play at all times.
Notify the coaching staff in advance of scheduling conflicts and absences.
Follow the direction of the coaching staff.
Follow team policy as established by the coaching staff.
Treat all public property/facilities (home and away) with respect and clean-up after themselves.
Represent WYS and the town of Westwood with pride, dignity, and good sportsmanship.
Be drug, alcohol, and tobacco-free while at any WYS athletic event.

Players shall not
Question a call or decision made by any umpire, official, or coach.
Use abusive or profane language.
Taunt or humiliate any player, either teammate or opponent.
Abuse, mistreat or mishandle any WYS or league equipment or property.

Parents, spectators, and volunteers agree to
Conduct themselves in a manner that best serves the interests, health, and well-being of the players.
Be positive role models.
Display and instill in all players the principals of good sportsmanship and team play.
Be respectful of the coaches authority.
Treat all players, coaches, and umpires fairly and with proper respect.
Make certain that their children show respect for all players, coaches, officials, and spectators.
Respect the opponent and avoid any confrontation with opposing players, spectators, or coaches.
Comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policies and procedures as established or endorsed by WYS.
Inform the coaching staff of any injury, disability, or ailment that may affect the safety of their child or other participants.
Provide for the timely drop-off and pick-up of players at practices, games and other WYS events.
Be drug, alcohol, and tobacco-free while at any WYS athletic event.

Parents, spectators, and volunteers shall not
Coach or officiate from the sidelines.
Question an umpire call
Engage in any behavior (e.g., shouting-out in anger, using profane or mocking language, making physical gestures, etc.) which could be considered unsportsmanlike, confrontational, threatening, or demeaning to any player, referee, coach, spectator, or league official.

The WYS Board of Directors unconditionally supports the principles and behavioral guidelines established in the Code of Conduct, and violations will be strictly enforced. Any person violating the Code of Conduct may be subject to administrative action by the WYS Board of Directors. Administrative actions shall be appropriate to the circumstances and nature of the violation(s) and may include, but are not limited to, a reduction in player playing time and/or the termination of the violators privilege to participate in, or attend, any WYS-sponsored activity.

All violations of the Code of Conduct shall be addressed on an individual basis and in accordance with a procedure established by the WYS Board of Directors. Violations shall be addressed in a fair and timely manner. Administrative actions for failure to comply with the Code of Conduct are at the sole discretion of the WYS Board of Directors.

Westwood Youth Softball

P.O. Box 202 
Westwood, Massachusetts 02090
Email : [email protected]
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