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Westwood Youth Softball

2024/25 AGE CHART


8U Fall Rules for the Coach Pitch Division

• Coach Pitches
• 6 pitches and then bring out a tee
• Base runners may steal from first to second and second to third.  They must wait until the pitched ball reaches home plate.
• If a catcher attempts to pick off a runner and overthrows the ball, runners may not advance.
• The dropped third strike rule is not in effect.
• There is no infield fly rule.
• Games will be played with 11- inch SOFT softball.
• Games are 6 innings or 1-1/2 hours. Whichever comes first
• Use a continuous line up
• Go through line up once or make 3 outs to end an inning
• 4 run limit per inning
• A team may use 4 outfielders and 1 pitcher around the mound
• Infielders should wear safety masks

Charles River Softball League Game Rules and Policies

Teams in the Charles Rivers Softball League (CRSL) play by games rules and policies established by ASA with modifications and further revised below.


  • The season starts Sunday early September and ends on Sunday, end of October
  • There are no scheduled games on Labor Day and Columbus Day weekends


Game Format

10U, 12U, and 14U

  • Double-headers with Game 1 beginning at 9:00am
  • No new inning can start after 90 minutes and there is a hard stop after one hour and 45 minutes
  • Game 2 should begin by 11:00 am but can start earlier if there is agreement by both teams
  • The host team will be the home team in Game 1, and the traveling team will be the home team in Game 2
  • Each team will split the umpire fees for the two games
  • In games with three-team double-headers:
    • The time limits for Game 1 must be strictly enforced
    • Game 2 may begin as late as 11:10 am to give second traveling team an opportunity to take infield.
    • Host team is the home team for both games and solely responsible for the umpire fees


  • Single, 9-inning game beginning at 9:00 am
  • Hard stop at two hours and 30 minutes
  • Host team solely is responsible for the umpire fees
  • In games with three-team double-headers:
    • Both games are 7-inning games and have a hard stop after one hour and 30 minutes
    • The time limits for Game 1 must be strictly enforced
    • Game 2 may begin as late as 11:20 am to give traveling team an opportunity to take infield
    • Host team is the home team for both games and solely responsible for the umpire fees

For all age divisions

  • Home team will supply 2 balls per game
  • The League Rep will send schedules direct to assigners to arrange for umpires
  • All players must use a helmet with a cage
  • Bats/Balls must be ASA certified



  • 35’ pitching rubber distance
  • Infielders should wear safety masks
  • 11” balls
  • 6-inning games
  • Four-run limit per inning (with no continuation).  No unlimited inning.
  • Teams can play up to 10 players in the field
  • Walks
    • No walks!
    • After a pitcher gets to four balls, a coach from the hitting team will enter the game and pitch from safe distance
    • The umpire will keep the current count, and the coach will pitch until the batter either puts the ball in play or strikes out
    • After one of the above outcomes, the coach will return to the bench and hand the game ball back to the previous pitcher to continue the inning
  • Stealing (defined as straight steals or advancing on a wild pitch or passed ball)
    • Steal attempts are on pitcher release; runners may only steal one base per attempt (players may not take a second base on an overthrow)
    • Players may not steal 2nd base or home (or advance on a passed ball/wild pitch)
    • Players may not steal a base when a coach is pitching
  • No infield fly rule
  • No dropped third strike rule
  • No “on deck” batting in the field of play…safety takes precedent

12U and 14U

  • 40’ pitching rubber distance for 12U; 43’ pitching rubber distance for 14U
  • Infielders should wear safety masks
  • 12” balls
  • 7-inning games
  • Four-run limit per inning (with no continuation)
  • Unlimited scoring in the final inning (or declared last inning)
  • Teams can play up to 10 players in the field
  • Steal attempts are on the pitcher release/live ball/unlimited stealing
  • Dropped third strike applies
  • Infield fly applies


  • 43’ pitching rubber distance
  • Four-run limit per inning (with no continuation)
  • Unlimited scoring in the final inning (or declared last inning)
  • Teams can play up to 9 players in the field
  • Batting order is at discretion of coach (either 9-10 batters or continuous for all players)

All Leagues

  • No slashing
  • No mercy rule
  • If a team does not have at least eight players – get the game in and borrow players if needed
  • No ASA shorthanded rule (automatic out) if a team does not have nine players
  • If the home team does not get to complete their final at-bat because of the time limit, the score reverts to the last completed inning

Westwood Youth Softball

P.O. Box 202 
Westwood, Massachusetts 02090
Email : [email protected]
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