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Westwood Youth Softball

Field Information

  • Locking Up:

    • Every shed and storage container must be shut and locked before you leave.
    • Please return everything you used at the end of practice.
    • Ensure all items, including bases and pitching mounds, are returned to the sheds after the game.
  • Shed Access:

    • Do not let girls into the sheds or storage boxes.
  • Equipment:

    • Each field storage shed should have a mound, measuring tape, and hammer.
    • Return all equipment at the end of each game and ensure it is locked.
  • Cleanliness:

    • Make sure our teams pick up any trash after every game and practice.
    • Please keep all sheds/storage containers clean and organized.
  • Field Issues:

    • Report any issues with the fields or portable toilets to the Field Coordinator ASAP.
  • First Aid:

    • Each team should have a First Aid kit.
    • Extra supplies are available in each shed. If you need to replenish, get extras from the SC Shed or Deerfield.
  • Safety:

    • Do not let the girls hit balls into the fence or backstop.

      Westwood High School

      • Please return all equipment to the container; the equipment and balls belong to the high school.
      • Screens are locked to the fence. When you are done, please return and lock them up.

      Deerfield Shed

      • Ensure the door is shut as tightly as possible. Pull the chain tight so the door cannot open.
      • Do not go through all the containers.
      • IMPORTANT: Do not leave anything out in the open. Everything belongs in a closed container to prevent mold.
      • Do not take equipment without checking with the equipment manager first.


      • Use the green storage container behind home plate.
      • Keys will be provided in the equipment bags. Do not leave the container open and do not let girls use it.
      • Make sure to cover the bucket of balls in the storage container to prevent water damage.
      • Screens are locked to the fence. When you are done, please return and lock them up.
      • Ensure all items, including bases and pitching mounds, are returned to the sheds after the game.

      School Street

      • Use the green storage container located at the fence that borders neighbors' backyards.
      • Keys will be provided in the equipment bags. Do not leave the container open and do not let girls use it.
      • Make sure to cover the bucket of balls in the storage container to prevent water damage.
      • Ensure all items, including bases, balls, and pitching mounds, are returned to the container after the game.

Weather Cancellation

  • In some instances, the town will decide to close a field, you can check on the town website here. (It is not always posted by 12:00pm)
  • Sometimes they will notify the field coordinator directly.
  • Head coaches are responsible for notifying the visiting head coach of the cancellation.

Field Cancellation Reminders - Fields are closed if:

  • Standing water is evident
  • Footing is unsure/slippery
  • Ground is waterlogged
  • Grass is easily pulled out
  • There is lightning or severe weather

If you are unsure, check the field yourself a few hours before the game.

Quick Dry Instructions:

  • Quick dry is available in the Deerfield and Senior Center sheds.
  • Do NOT put any quick dry on the grass!
  • When removing water from the infield, do not push dirt/water into the grass.

Westwood Youth Softball

P.O. Box 202 
Westwood, Massachusetts 02090
Email : [email protected]
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