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Falls Little League

2020 Spring Season Closure - Notice 5/13/2020

As a result of the decision to close of the 2020 Spring season in conjunction with a thorough review of our league financials, the 2020 Falls Little League Board of Directors has approved (3) available options for your paid 2020 Spring Registration Fees.  Details for each option is shared below.  

We truly appreciate your patience during this process and we hope your commitment to the Falls Little League remains in place now and into the future.  Be safe, be healthy  


2020 Falls Little League Board of Directors 

How to Submit Your Family Selection for 2020 Spring Registration Fees 

To ensure all data is tracked and accounted for – we are asking you to visit our
2020 Spring Registration Fee - Family Selection Questionnaire make your selection.

  • Only one (1) submission per family is required
  • Survey will be open through 5/31/2020 at 11:59pm
  •  A family that does not complete the survey will be automatically enrolled in Option 1 – 2021 Credit 

Option 1: 2021 Credit
Hold paid registration fees for potential 2020 Summer Season. If no 2020 Summer Season, apply paid registration fees as a credit to the 2021 Spring Season  

  • We will continue to investigate State health policies, guidelines, and restrictions in hopes that we can provide some version of a 2020 Summer Season between late June and early August. 
  •  If a 2020 Summer Season is not feasible (field availability, registered player #s, health restrictions, etc.), your paid 2020 Spring Season Registration fees will be credited to your account for the 2021 Spring Season with an additional 10% bonus credited to your account that you can use towards your 2021 registration. 
  • If the potential Summer Season is not an option for you, and would still like the 2021 credit please selection Option 1 and make a notice at the end of the Questionnaire.  

Option 2: 2020 League Donation
Hold paid registration fees for potential 2020 Summer Season.  If no 2020 Summer Season, apply paid registration fees to League Donation 

  • We will continue to investigate State health policies, guidelines and restrictions in hopes that we can provide some version of a 2020 Summer Season between late June and early August.  
  • If a 2020 Summer Season is not feasible (field availability, registered player #s, health restrictions, etc.), your paid 2020 Spring Season Registration fees will be donated to Falls Little League as an investment in our baseball and softball community. These donations will be allocated directly to a fund specifically designed for field improvements 
    • FCES South, FCES #1 and FCES #2:  Infield improvements - 20+ yards of material plus grading
    • FCES Tee Ball:  Field grading and compaction
    • CKMS South:  Infield improvements - 20+ yards plus grading 
    • Aldarra: Outfield improvements - aeration, over-seeding, and compaction
    • Aldarra:  Infield improvements - additional infield dirt and grading 

Option 3: 2020 Refund
Refund your paid 2020 Spring Season registration fees 

  • Your paid 2020 Spring Season registration fees will be refunded – less a 5% processing fee


Q1:  When should I expect my refund?

  • The refunds will be processed in batches and could take upwards of 25 days for you to receive refund check. 
  • Checks will be sent from the league’s primary banking institution, Sno-Falls Credit Union, to the address on your Family’s account in the Falls LL registration system.  
  • Batch one refund checks are being process by 5/31 and should expect delivery between 7-10 days.  

Q2:  Why is Falls LL sending me a check instead of crediting my credit card?

  • During our open registration period, our registration service provider, Sports Connect, auto transfers any league collected fees to our league financial institution (Sno-Falls Credit Union) weekly to enable the league to process and fund all league financial transactions for things like insurance, field maintenance, uniforms, etc. 
  • Due to this fee transfer process, Falls LL does not have funds accessible in the Sports Connect platform to automatically refund your paid registration fees back to your credit card - trust us we wish it were that easy.   
  • For awareness, volunteer league board members have reviewed COVID-19 updates from our service provider, Sports Connect, and have followed/interacted on a dedicated online group with youth sports leagues/volunteers across the country sharing their experiences with Sports Connect and its proposed refund route.  Other leagues that have used the proposed route have found it to be unsatisfactory. 
  • Yes, submitting a check will take additional league volunteer’s time, but we trust our financial institution to help support us.

Q3:  I want to select the 2021 Credit, but unsure if can player (or feel comfortable) playing in the Summer, which path should I go? 

  • If you are unsure/unavailable about the potential of the Summer Season, we would advise you select either Option 1 or Option 2 and make a note in the questionnaire. 
  • We will exclude from summer potential planning, and yes is easier process for league volunteers

Q4:  If I opt to donate, is this tax-deductible? 

  • Should you choose Option 2 – and graciously wish to donate your 2020 Spring Registration fee (assuming a Summer Season is unattainable) a tax receipt is available upon request by submitting a message to [email protected] 
  • Falls Little League is a qualifying 501(c)(3) organization.  Your donation may be tax deductible, please speak with your tax professional. 

Q5:  If I opt to transition my 2020 Spring fees to the Summer season potential - when will additional news be shared and how will teams be formed?  

  • We had a tremendous response expressing interest for the Summer season potential – with close to 70% of the league interested in playing.  We will continue to closely monitor the State / County Health Guidance and evaluate what is possible.  If there is a path to find our way to the field, we are committed to doing what we can give our players and our community a chance to be on the diamond in a safe environment.     
  • The largest % of interest in a Summer league was in the late June through early August timeframe.  If the league can go forward with a Summer option, the decision will be communicated between June 1 and  June 6.    
  • Discussions are underway with Snoqualmie Valley LL (SVLL) as the most likely forward path for both leagues is a “merged approach” for player #s.  
  • If the Summer Season can become a reality, team formation will be cross-coordinated with SVLL and, depending on player #s, we could morph various divisions together to enable a chance to play. 

Q6: What are other District 9 Little Leagues planning for their seasons?

  • As of 5/13 we are aware Sammamish LL, Issaquah LL, and Redmond West LL have formally cancelled their Spring Seasons. 
  • Additional District 9 Leagues have expressed similar challenges, and our expectation is following a D9 District wide virtual meeting on 5/14 other leagues will be formally sharing similar plans. 
  • SVLL is expected to formally cancel their Spring Season very shortly.   

Additional questions can be submitted to [email protected]


As our league is operated with 100% volunteers, we strive to respond to email submission in approximately 24-hours.  Please be patient, just like you, we are working hard to maintain the balance act of our professional jobs, teaching our kids at home, and supporting our families.   




Falls Little League
Fall Little League, P.O. Box 521
Fall City, Washington 98024

Email: [email protected]

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