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Early Bird Registration Ends Midnight December 31st,2024 Regular registration remains open for Spring and Fall 2025 thru leagues filled up

Welcome to Wallen Complex

Wallen Tee/Lob

Co-ed T-ball Division  (Tee ball is Only $75.00) SPRING ONLY

Co-ed T-ball - for both boys and girls age 4 to 5 years.   Brief Description:   This division is instructional with games,  all players play the field and bat off a batting tee.  The coaches are all volunteers and mostly the parents of kids on their specific teams.  We do allow siblings same teams if of the this age bracket.   This division is a stage of bringing the basic skills training for kids to understand and have fun with game.  We are going to make teams as small as possible to give the kids more coaching.    10 games min. for the season.  Games are mostly Monday thru Friday with couple Saturday's unless Weather hampers season, season ends last week of June.  

Key Dates:   Teams formed by Directors of tee and lob on or before 3/31
                     Coaches to contact team by 4/7   
                     Practices may start 4/1 depending on each coach.
                     Opening Day 5/4  
                     Picture Day 5/4 (Rain or Shine in Washington township hall)
                     Family Fun/Public Safety Day 6/22 (trophy presentation (rainout make up scheduled for 6/29) 
                     End of Spring Season 7/1 Weather permitting to finish.
We do have a Fall Season not included in the Spring season.  Starts first week of August and ends by second week of October weather permitting (discount is offered if purchase with your spring season.  Games are usually Thursday and Friday.  Wallen Complex Fall season is design to combine with lob division to help mentor T division kids, introduces them into lob, with some Tee ball rules combined.
Equipment needed by the kids:  Glove, Shoes (either tennis shoes or cleats) We supply bats to each team only a few though.
Wallen equipment will supply a T, and catcher gear, and batting helmets, this equipment is supplied for games and practices at park.

Boys Baseball Divisions (Individual Cost $105.00) 


Boys Lob Baseball - coach pitch for boys ages 6-7. Brief Description:   This division is instructional with games; all players play the field and will bat from coaches over hand pitching.  The coaches are all volunteers and mostly the parents of kids on their specific teams.  We do allow siblings same teams if of this age bracket.   (If your child is advance, we have division of Clemente offered, but it is recommended that if child is not advance in skills that they play in lob) Boys may be able to play both this division and Clemente but will have to pay for both divisions.  This division is a stage of bringing the basic skills training for kids to understand and have fun with game.    10 games min. for the season.  Games are mostly Monday thru Friday with couple Saturday's unless Weather hampers season, season ends last week of June with a Lob Tournament.  

Key Dates:  
                     Coaches Meeting 3rd week of March date to be determined.
                     Teams formed by Directors of tee and lob on or before 3/31
                     Coaches to contact team by 4/7 
                     Practices to start 4/1 depending on each coach.
                     Opening Day 5/4  
                     Picture Day 5/4 (Rain or Shine in Washington township hall)
                     MLB & Scotts PITCH HIT AND RUN (free to participant age group is 7 on up (Check details on our website)
                     Family Fun Day/Public Safety 6/22 Trophy presentation (rainout make up scheduled for 6/29) 
                     Lob Tournament last week of June
                     End of Spring Season 7/1 

We do have a Fall Season not included in the Spring season.  Starts first week of August and ends last week of September (discount is offered if purchase with your spring season.  Games are usually Thursday and Friday.  Wallen Complex Fall season is design to combine with lob division to help mentor T division kids.  
Equipment needed by the kids:  Glove, Shoes (either tennis shoes or cleats) We supply bats to each team only a few though.
Wallen equipment will supply T, and catcher gear, and batting helmets, this equipment is supplied for games and practices at park.

Girls Softball Divisions (Cost $105.00) 


Girls Lob Softball - coach pitch for girls ages 6-7.  Brief Description:   This division is instructional with games; all players play the field and will bat from coaches over hand pitching.  The coaches are all volunteers and mostly the parents of kids on their specific teams.  We do allow siblings same teams if of this age bracket.  This division is a stage of bringing the basic skills training for kids to understand and have fun with game.    10 games min. for the season.  Games are mostly Monday thru Friday with couple Saturday's unless Weather hampers season, season ends last week of June with a Lob Tournament.  

Key Dates:  
                     Coaches Meeting 3rd week of March date to be determined.
                     Teams formed by Directors of tee and lob on or before 3/31
                     Coaches to contact team by 4/7  
                     Practices to start 4/1 depending on each coach.
                     Opening Day 5/4  
                     Picture Day 5/4 (Rain or Shine in Washington township hall)
                     MLB & Scotts PITCH HIT AND RUN (free to participant age group is 7 on up) Girls & Boys (Check details on our website)
                     Family Fun Day/Public Safety 6/22 Trophy presentation (rainout make up scheduled for 6/29) 
                     Lob Tournament last week of June
                     End of Spring Season 7/1 

We do have a Fall Season not included in the Spring season.  Starts first week of August and ends last week of September (discount is offered if purchase with your spring season.  Games are usually Thursday and Friday.  Wallen Complex Fall season is design to combine with lob division to help mentor T division kids.  
Equipment needed by the kids:  Glove, Shoes (either tennis shoes or cleats) We supply bats to each team only a few though.
Wallen equipment will supply T, and catcher gear, and batting helmets, this equipment is supplied for games and practices at park.

Girls Softball ABC Divisions (Cost $125.00) 


Coach/Girls pitch development - 8–9-year softball girls.  Brief Description:   This division is instructional with games; all players play the field and will bat coach will pitch then girls will pitch underhand   the coaches are all volunteers and mostly the parents of kids on their specific teams.  We do allow siblings same teams if of this age bracket.  This division is a stage of bringing the basic skills training for kids to understand and have fun with game.    10 games min. for the season.  Games are mostly Monday thru Friday with couple Saturday's unless Weather hampers season, season ends last week of June with a Lob Tournament.  

Key Dates:  
                     Coaches Meeting 3rd week of March date to be determined.
                     Teams formed by Directors of tee and lob on or before 3/30
                     Coaches to contact team by 4/7  
                     Practices to start 4/1 depending on each coach.
                     Opening Day 5/4  
                     Picture Day 5/4 (Rain or Shine in Washington township hall)
                     MLB & Scotts PITCH HIT AND RUN (free to participant age group is 7 on up) Girls & Boys (Check details on our website)
                     Family Fun Day/Public Safety 6/22 Trophy presentation (rainout make up scheduled for 7/1) 
                     Tournament last week of June
                     End of Spring Season 7/1 

We do have a Fall Season not included in the Spring season.  Starts first week of August and ends middle of October (discount is offered if purchase with your spring season.  Games are usually Thursday and Friday.  Wallen Complex Fall season is design to combine with lob division to help mentor T division kids.  
Equipment needed by the kids:  Glove, Shoes (either tennis shoes or cleats) We supply bats to each team only a few though.
Wallen equipment will supply T, and catcher gear, and batting helmets, this equipment is supplied for games and practices at park.

See links for complete rules from regular season to tournament rules for Lob and ABC

Tee/Lob Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are the answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive regarding Tee Ball, Lob Baseball or Lob Softball.

  • How old must my child be to register to play? All players must be at least 4 years of age as of April 30, 20**.  If your child is not at least 4 years of age on April 30 of the year you wish to register for, they are not eligible to play at Wallen.  The minimum age requirement is established by our insurance provider for policy purposes.  We can not and will not make exceptions.
  • What are the age groups for Tee and Lob Leagues?  Tee ball is for children 4 and 5 years of age on April 30 of the year wish to sign up for.  Lob baseball is for boys and girls 6 and 7 years of age on April 30 of the year you wish to sign up for.  Lob softball is open to girls 6 to 8 years of age by December 31 of the previous year.
  • What does my child need to play?  All players will need a fielders glove.  Bats, batting helmets and catchers gear will be available for games or practices.  The league will also provide each players with a team shirt and hat.  Cleats and pants are optional.  Remember this game is played on dirt and grass outdoors.  Your child may get dirty, grass stained, wet or muddy.
  • Can I make a request to play with other kids my child knows or goes to school withYes you can.  Please make a note of other friends or family you would like to be on the same team with.  However, please be aware of our park policy.
    • The Washington Township Baseball League only guarantees immediate family (brothers/sister) to be on the same team.  You can make requests, but they are not guaranteed by the league or coaches.  The league will not refund your money becasue you didn't get the request you made.
  • When should I expect to be contacted by a coach?  Coaches will contact you by April 7.
  • I signed up to coach, when will I be contacted?  Each year after registration we determine how many teams we will need to field per division.  Then we determine who coached each team the previous season.  If that coach wants to comeback, they are given first choice of the openings available.  After all the returning coaches have been addressed, we choose the rest from the list of people that submitted their names as volunteers to coach.  Typically we have just enough volunteers to fill the openings available.  Don't be discouraged if you are not choosen.  The leagues needs change from year to year.  No parent will dictate to the league they are taking over a team.  The league has final say in all coaching choices and matters.   
  • When will practices start and how often will they occur?    The days, times and frequency are all determined by the team head coach.  Don't expect practices to start until after clean-up day in mid-April.
  • When will I get a game schedule?  Game schedule will be released in Late April.  If register online and with Dick's Sports Application you will have access to your childs teams schedule
  • What day(s) of the week are games on?  Opening and closing day are held on Saturdays and occasionally if weather hampers season.  All other games are scheduled Monday through Friday evenings.
  • How many games will my child play?    We guarantee 10 games will be played prior to the end of the season.
  • How often will my child play?  The game schedule works out to about 1.5 games per week when the initial game schedule is completed.  We try not to play any team more than two games per week.  We also do not schedule back to back nights for teams at this age.  The weather may change these rules as we progress through the season when make-ups are scheduled.
  • When will I know if games are rained out?  Some days it's easy to make a rain-out call.  Other days it is not.  To check on the status of games you can call the rain-out number, check the websites or follow us on twitter for updates along with Dick's Sports Application and if you have text alerts from Dick's Sport Appl  We will provide information as quickly as possible.  It is not unusual for it to be 4pm or later before we call games off.  The park will make every effort possible to get all games in as scheduled 
  • When will make-up games be held?  Make-up games will be slotted into open diamond times during the week nights.  Please keep in mind these time slots must accomodate both teams.  Your team may have different openings than the opponents.  We will work to find the best available solution.  Occassionaly, if poor playing conditions persist, Saturdays may be used for make-ups.  This is very rare. 
  • What is Picture Day?  Picture day is opening day for the tee/lob season at Wallen.  Team and individual pictures are taken prior to the first game of the season for each team.  Pictures happen rain or shine.  They are taken in the backside of the Washington Township Fire Station.  There will be a limited number of forms available prior to pictures that coaches can distribute.  There will also be forms and links available on the website.
  • What is Trophy Day?  Trophy day is the closing day of the Tee/Lob season at Wallen.  At the end of your game on trophy day, each child will be given a participation award by the league.  Occasionally teams have a private trophy day because of special requests or an odd numberof teams in a division.  If you can not attend trophy day, it is the sole responsibility of the parent to ensure their child receives their award.  The league will not keep track of who was not at the game.  It is also not the responsibility of the coach to ensure their players get the awards. 
  • How do I sponsor my child's team?  The entire Tee/Lob league is sponsored by PAL.  They negotiated a rate with the WTBL that covers the cost for operating the league.  You can choose to sponsor a team in either the baseball or softball leagues.  You can also purchase advertising banners/signs that would be posted in the area of the park you designate.  We do not allow businesses to supply a team with shirts.  This circumvents the process for other businesses that pay full rate to sponsor teams throughout the park.   

Contact Us

Wallen Complex Baseball and Softball

 8917 Village Drive
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46818

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 260-246-7197
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