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Team Parent HQ

THANK YOU for taking on this important responsibility for you team or squad! The Team Parent is essentially the primary communication liaison between the Association (Board of Directors), Head Coach and all Player Parents. Your role is vital in ensuring that all parties stay connected and informed. Responsibilities range from overseeing coach to parent communication to planning fundraisers, team parties and other team events. The following information describes the Team Parent’s responsibilities and job duties. Please be sure and familiarize yourself with all below information. Another great idea is to connect with other team parents who have past years’ experience. There will be team parent meetings during the begging and throughout the season. Please do your best to be available for these.  Remember, you are the head coach’s right hand “go-to” person for all team related activities that are not related to the sport being taught and coached on the field. Your job is to ensure the flow of information and help to make the head coaches job easier so that all kids and parents experience a fun and productive season! 


1.)    Act as communication liaison between board, parents, and team coaches and volunteers.

2.)    Learn Fallbrook Pop Warner Chain of Command for Grievances (this will be provided by FPW)

3.)    Read and memorize the Fallbrook Pop Warner Parent Code of Conduct. 

4.)    The FPW board will provide all Team Coaches with a PW Rule book for 2021.  Take some time to read this and know where your coach has it.

5.)    Communicate with Head Coach on setting up parent/coach meeting prior to start of season.

6.)    Review all players information for food allergies (let parents know for snack prep).

7.)    Set up snack schedule for the season - halftime fruit, Gatorade and after-game snack - Click here for snack guidelines to share with parents

8.)    Provide the Coaching Staff with accurate & current parent/staff contact information.

9.)    Assist team Business Manager with game-day responsibilities.

10.)  Coordinate with Team Head Coach and/or Trainer to ensure the team has required necessary medications for their athletes.

11.) Keep parents informed (emails, Shutterfly site, texts - your choice, but they must be communicated with on a weekly basis or as the need arises).

12.) Design, promote and oversee all team parties, and events.

13.) Design, promote, and oversee all team related fundraising activities and events.

14.) Coordinate team picture day. Distribute information and/or photo packages. 

15.) Assist the Head Coach to ensure every player attends the Mandatory Certification

PLEASE NOTE: All money that has been generated and/or collected for your team MUST be submitted to the FPW Treasurer so it can be properly re-distributed back to your team in accordance w/all state & federal non-profit standards & requirements. This includes all monies raised from fundraising, raffle, or any other monies generated by or donated to the team.

16.) Coordinate and plan end of season team party

17.) Coordinate and purchase team staff gifts 


Here are some additional details for you to help coordinate with your team during practice sessions:

  1. Coordinate with Head Coach on who will be responsible for bringing the Team book to all practices and games.
  2. Make sure you provide the Coaching Staff with accurate and current contact information for quick contact with parents.
  3. Coordinate with Head Coach and Business manager on list of volunteers the team mom needs to organize - click here for list.
  4. Player Injuries: The team trainer is responsible for treating injuries during practices and games. Communicate with injured or ill player's parents or guardians as needed. You may also assist with treating player injuries and filling out player injury reports if you are qualified to do so. 
  5. The team trainer is responsible for having player medication at all times.  Coordinate with parents to ensure their player's medications are at practice as needed.
  6. Coordinate with Head Coach on how they would like to handle keeping the fields clean after practice.  
  7. Practice is a great time to connect with parents and communicate upcoming events such as game schedules and other team related activities
  8. The FPW board can provide you with a Pop Warner rule book -please ask your coach or a board member.

Optional Suggestions:
During the first week or two of practices the kids are hot, maybe set up parents to bring oranges.
Have one of two cooling towels to help kids who overheat.  Those mister bottles are nice to.  Anything to keep them cool.


  1. Create a team roster of athletes name (phonetically) and jersey numbers. Hand this into the announcer at each game.
  2. Coordinate with Head Coach on who will be responsible for bringing the Team book to all practices and games.
  3. Make sure you provide the Coaching Staff with accurate and current contact information for quick contact with parents. (Update halfway thru the season).
  4. Make sure to remind parents (at least two days prior to games) who are signed up for after game snacks, Gatorade and halftime fruit (remind parents of food allergies) -click here for league approved snack guidelines
  5. Coordinate with Team Trainer to ensure the team has required necessary medications for their athletes.
  6. Coordinate with Head Coach and Business Manager on list of volunteers the team parent needs to organize - checker (all games), chain gang (home games), scoreboard operator (home games) and announcer (home games). Click here for list.
  7. Optional - Bring an extra clipboard and pens.
  8. Extra mouthpieces - The league will be providing the coaching staff with extra mouthpieces.  It is the team's equipment managers job to have those at games.  Although, it doesn't hurt to have a few backups in your Team parent bag.
  9. Incident reports - The team trainer is responsible for filling out for all injuries at games.  Coordinate with Trainer and Head Coach on who will be handing them into the player agent (weekly). Bring extra copies to have on you just in case. Click here for copies of form.
  10. Always double check with the Head Coach on the location and time of each game (one day prior at a minimum) check again the morning of a game.  The schedule does change from time to time.
  11. The FPW board can provides you with a Team Parent shirt - Please coordinate with your head coach or the league equipment manager.



  1. Have a binder for tracking important documents, fundraisers, end of season party...etc.
  2. Have a money bag for receipts and cash 
  3. It is the team equipment managers job to have red duct tape and sharpies for writing the kids names on the helmets at the beginning of the season, but it doesn't hurt to have your own on hand (just in case).  If your team does not have an equipment manager, then coordinate with your head coach on who should do this.
  4. Optional - have a clip board and extra pens!
  5. Optional - Have a Team bag - keep items that will help families sitting at the field (extra toilet paper for the outhouses, hand sanitizer, trash bags for picking up at end of practices.  Coordinate with the Head Coach to see if they want you to have anything else.
  6. Plan your team party and gifts at the beginning of the season - don’t book anything, but it is nice to know how much money you are trying to fund-raise.  That way you can fund-raise, let parents vote to split the cost or do a little of both.



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