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Codes of Conduct and Disciplinary Form

Fallbrook Pop Warner has put in place an Official Code of Conduct form for Players and Parents. These rules are designed to help ensure all who are involved with the Pop Warner program are provided with a safe and positive experience. The Codes of Conduct serve as contracts between the league and those who participate and attend. Both players AND parents are required to sign and return the contracts to league during registration. 

The Parent and Payer Codes of Conduct Contracts can be found by clicking on the below links:

Player Code of Conduct Contract

Parent Code of Conduct Contract

The National Pop Warner Association has provided additional information on "Parent Code of Conduct" Please click on and review the following link:

2022 parent behavior memorandum

The Fallbrook Pop Warner Association encourages all who are involved in our league to ALWAYS treat fellow and opposing participants, staff members, and parents with courtesy and respect. 

Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation!

All Player and Parent Code of Conduct Language is specified below:

Player/Cheerleader Code of Conduct


All Pop Warner volunteers and participants will abide by a Code of Conduct which includes the following provisions. If any of these rules are broken, the League, Region and/or National Pop Warner shall have the authority to impose a penalty including permanent removal from the program.

Participants shall:

S1:  Not smoke and/or use smokeless tobacco on the field.

S2:  Not criticize players/spirit participants in front of spectators, but reserve constructive criticism for later, in private, or in the presence of team members if others might benefit.

S3:  Accept decisions of the game officials and judges on the field and in competitions as being fair and called to the best ability of said officials.

S4:  Not criticize an opposing team, its players, spirit participants, coaches, or fans by word of mouth or by gesture.

S5:  Emphasize that good athletes strive to be good students and that both are physically and mentally alert.

S6:  Strive to make every football and spirit activity serve as a training ground for life, and a basis for good mental and physical health.

S7:  Emphasize that winning is the result of good teamwork.

S8:  Not engage in excessive sideline coaching and shall not leave the bench area to shout instructions from the sidelines.

S9:  Together with team officials, be jointly responsible for the conduct and control of team fans and spectators at all times.  Any fan who becomes a nuisance and out of control will be asked to leave.

S10:  Not use abusive or profane language at any time.

S11:  Not “pile it on;” not encourage their team to get a commanding lead and raise the score as high as it can. In these instances, every e­ffort shall be made to let all players play.

S12:  Not receive any payment, in cash or kind, for services as a volunteer or participant in Pop Warner Football/Spirit. This includes any coach, expert, consultant or choreographer, regardless of his/her roster status.

S13:  Not permit or encourage “sweating down” tactics in order for a player to make the team weight.

S14:  Not recommend or distribute any medication, controlled or over the counter, except as specifically prescribed by participant’s physician.

S15:  Not permit an ineligible player or spirit participant to participate in a game.

S16:  Not deliberately incite unsportsmanlike conduct.

S17:  Not possess or drink alcoholic beverages and/or use illegal substance(s) on either the game or practice fields.

S18:  Remove from a game or practice any participant when even slightly in doubt about his/her health, whether or not as a result of injury, until competent medical advice is available.

S19: Uphold all rules and regulations, National, Regional & Local, regarding Pop Warner Football, Cheerleading and Dance.

S20: Refrain from engaging in any action within or outside Pop Warner which in PWLS sole & absolute discretion reflects negatively upon, or causes embarrassment to, the PW program

Adult (Parent) Code of Conduct


I understand that there are certain rules and standards that I must always follow. I understand my failure to abide by these rules and standards may result in suspension or dismissal from Pop Warner. I will abide by the following rules along with all rules set forth in the Fallbrook Pop Warner Policies & Procedures and Bylaws.

1.)      I will uphold all National & Local rules & regulations regarding Pop Warner Football & Cheer.

2.)      I will accept the decisions of the Fallbrook Pop Warner Board & be their spokesperson to my team and parents.

3.)      I will not partake in the use or possession of alcohol, tobacco, vaping products, drug (legal or illegal) or any other illicit substances at any Fallbrook Pop Warner sanctioned event. Further, I will not tolerate anyone under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or illegal substances around participants.

4.)      I will not criticize, belittle, or question the ability or authority of any official, coach or volunteer of the Team, League, or Conference. I may, however, offer genuine praise and thanks as a demonstration of good sportsmanship.

5.)      I will control my emotions at games & events. I will not yell at or criticize players, coaches, parents, or officials.

6.)      I will not question a referee's judgment or overall officiating ability.

7.)      I will not use foul language.

8.)      Coach/Parent Relationship: I will not pressure a coach to:

a.        Play my child at a certain position.

b.        Play my child more than is required by the "Mandatory Play Rule".

c.        Alter his/her coaching style, technique, or philosophy.

9.)      I will:

a.        Support the decision of my coach to play my child at any position he or she sees fit.

b.        Ensure that my child is on time for all games, practices, and team activities.

c.        Do my best to control any negative behavior of my child as pointed out by his/her coach.

d.        Encourage my child to play any position his/her coach recommends.

10.)    I agree all grievances, problems, questions, etc., will be discussed with a Team, League, or Conference official   

 outside the presence of children, such as a personal meeting or telephone conversation. Official grievances will

 be submitted to Fallbrook Pop Warner in writing for further investigation.

11.)   I will respect a Team, League, or Conference official's right NOT to communicate with me "on the spur of the moment" about issues not in the immediate best interests or safety of child participants.

12.)   Whenever possible, I will volunteer my time and talents to support my child's participation in Team, League or Conference activities. This includes supporting and participating in league and team fundraising activities.

13.)   I understand that all Team, League or Conference games, and practices, are competitive activities. However, they will endeavor to function under a "Recreational Philosophy", stressing sport as a FUN, HEALTHY activity to be participated for enjoyment, not solely for competitive advantage.

14.)   I understand that a child is not guaranteed a team, coach, or division. I will further support the method and result of team formation within the League or Conference and understand that the decision of my child's placement on a team by the League or Conference is final.

15.)   I agree to refrain from posting/chatting/instant messaging on any social media forum/platform with the intent to initiate, hurt, intimidate, humiliate or defame any player, coach, official, volunteer, or spectator. The posting of negative, demeaning or derogatory comments will not be tolerated. I also agree not to participate in bad mouthing or defaming PPW members, volunteers, other teams and/or leagues in any social media forum/platform.

16.)   COVID-19: I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily agree to abide by all conditions and safety protocols implemented and enforced by Fallbrook Pop Warner, as outlined by the California Department of Health and the SD County Health Department.


By signing below, I acknowledge and agree I have read, understand, and will abide by the rules of the Adult Code of Conduct requirements, the requirements for registration, and the Fallbrook Pop Warner refund policy.

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