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League Forms

Fallbrook Pop Warner Mandatory Registration Forms and Documents.

All Registrants Must fill out, print, & sign all below forms as needed for registration. Please be sure and bring ALL completed and signed forms to any FPW sanctioned "Paperwork Turn In" events.

ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS - To Be Provided by Participant:

Report Card 
All players/cheerleaders MUST turn in a copy of their FINAL YEAR-END report card.  Report card must
be a scanned copy or in PDF format if sending electronically. No photos of report card will be accepted.

Birth Certificate
All Players/cheerleaders are required to turn in a copy of your birth certificate with State Seal clearly legible.

2" x 2" Headshot Photo of Participant 
Please provide a 2"x2" headshot photo of each participating child with each registration. Photo may be no
more than 2 years old. Photos are to be turned in with paperwork. 

All completed and signed paperwork and participant provided documents must be turned in to Fallbrook Pop Warner. 
We will provide several opportunities to submit your paperwork during any scheduled "Paperwork Turn In" events.
These events will be listed on the FPW website and our Facebook Page. You may also make arrangements to turn in
your competed paperwork directly to the FPW Player's Agent. [email protected]