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Welcome to Soldotna Little League

Welcome to Soldotna Little League

Required Background and Certificates

Starting with the 2024 season, there are a few key enhancements to Little Leagues Child Protection Program to help in Little Leagues continued evolution and commitment to player safety. All coaches, assistant coaches, team managers, and board members are required to fulfill these requirements before receiving their role. 

- Enhanced Background Checks
- Required Abuse Awareness Training for Adults
- Diamond Leader Training
- Concussion Training

Be sure to read all literature on each webpage and any email you receive as it all has important information. 

Email certificated to [email protected]

Login to your account on Once you have signed up to Coach, Assistant Coach, or Team Manage, you will receive an email from JDP to process your background check.

- Scroll down and select on the left, 'Abuse Awareness for Adults'
  - Take the Free Online Course (in red letters)
- Log into your account, or create one if needed
- Select 'Abuse Awareness for Adults"
- Once you have completed this training, print or save the certificate and email a copy to [email protected] or turn into Paula. 

- Create an account or login
- Select the Little League Diamond Leader Training
- Once complete, email to or print and hand it in to Paula. 

Concussion Training - Youth Sports League: Coach
- Explore the web page and familiarize yourself with concussions. 
- Online Training Course available but not required.
- Read the Concussion Form attached to this email.


Soldotna Little League (SLL) is a recreational baseball and softball program. During some games/seasons, the level of competition is increased causing more tension. We all need to be reminded from time to time that our main goal is to ensure that the players have a safe and fun environment where they can learn and grow. There will be plenty of time for competitive sports in travel ball, high school, and beyond.

With that in mind, Soldotna Little League has no tolerance for poor or negative game attitudes. 

We expect all fans, parents, managers and coaches to set a good example for the team/players. This will be enforced in two ways: 

1. Our umpires have the final call on the field and no one is allowed to argue a call by the umpire.  The umpire will deal with the actions/attitudes of anyone within the fences.  If there are issues outside the fence, the umpires will ask the Team Manager to deal with the issue.
2. At all times, the Board will provide a Member On Duty. This person has final say on all actions/attitudes of anyone outside of the fences. One warning may be given depending on the severity of the action/attitude. If after a warning, the actions/attitudes continue, the offender will be removed/ejected from the game and/or park.

No Board Member, Manager, Coach, Player, or Spectator shall:
▪ At any time, lay a hand upon, push, shove, strike, and feint to throw or threaten any individual.
▪ At any time use violence, unfriendly language, racial slurs or insults towards any individual.
▪ Be guilty of heaping personal verbal or physical abuse upon any official for any real or imaginary belief of wrong decisions or judgment.
▪ Be guilty of objectionable demonstration of dissent at an official's decision by throwing of gloves, helmets, hats, bats, balls or any other forceful unsportsmanlike action.
▪ Be guilty of using unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of a game and/or against the body of an opposing player.
▪ Be guilty of physical attack upon any board member, umpire, manager, coach, player or spectator.
▪ Be guilty of the use of profane, obscene or vulgar language in any manner at any time.
▪ Appear on the field of play, stands, or anywhere in the Park complex while in an intoxicated state at any time.  "Intoxicated" will be defined as an odor of alcohol on one's breath or clothing, or a behavior issue.
▪ Be guilty of gambling upon any play or outcome of any game with anyone at any time.
▪ Smoking anywhere on the premises. SLL prohibits smoking at any time within the park boundaries.
▪ Be guilty of discussing publicly with spectators in a derogatory or abusive manner any play, decision or a personal opinion on any players during the game.
▪ Speak disrespectfully to any manager, coach, official or representative of the League.
▪ Be guilty of tampering or manipulation of any league rosters, schedules, draft positions or selections, official score books, rankings, financial records, or procedures.
▪ Be guilty of challenging any umpire's authority. The umpires shall have the authority and discretion during a game to penalize the offender according to the infraction up to and including the removal from the game and/or park.

Minors Baseball Links

Coach Pitch 12 Week Program

Volunteer Sign Up and Background Check

Volunteer Process:

- Login/Register above
- Once logged in, scroll to the bottom and select 'Register to Volunteer'
- Select which PROGRAM, the DIVISION, and continue by selecting 'View Selected Opportunities'
- Select which POSITION you wish to volunteer for and sign yourself up. You may also sign up another user by selecting "Sign up another user' (Chose as many positions you'd like)
- Verify your CONTACT INFORMATION and then the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, then select 'View and Accept' Little League Applications
You will need to UPLOAD YOUR GOVERNMENT ID in order to complete the volunteer process
- Submit your application
- You will receive an email with additional instructions with JDP to finalize your background check 

We have included many websites to visit with any questions.

JDPalatine Website

JDP Background Check - from Little League International

Contact Info
[email protected]

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