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Welcome to Soldotna Little League

Welcome to Soldotna Little League

Player Code of Conduct

                                                                   PLAYER CODE OF CONDUCT

Player's responsibilities are simple; be respectful of others, be responsible, play fair, and always do your best, and always exhibit good sportsmanship.

As a Soldotna Little League (SLL) participant I hereby pledge that I will:  
▪ Encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, officials, and parents. 
▪ Be a team player and support my teammates.
▪ Be on time and attend every practice and game that I can, and will notify my coaches if I cannot. 
▪ Work hard to improve my skills. 
▪ Do my best to listen and learn from my coaches. 
▪ Encourage my parents to be involved with my team and the League in some capacity. 
▪ Congratulate the other team after each game as a demonstration of sportsmanship. 
▪ Refrain from using violence, unfriendly language, or insults to others. 
▪ Be generous when I win and gracious when I lose. 
▪ Obey the rules of the game and always work for the good of the team. 
▪ Accept the decisions of the officials with grace and never challenge or question calls. Refrain from challenging or questioning on-field calls by officials and/or managers and coaches. 
▪ Conduct myself with honor and dignity. 
▪ Applaud the efforts of my teammates and opponents. 

I also agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I will be subject to disciplinary action levied by the SLL Board of Directors that could include but is not limited to the following: 
▪ Verbal warning
▪ Written warning
▪ Player suspension for game(s)
▪ Player suspension for season including postseason (All Stars)
▪ Player expulsion from Soldotna Little League
The Soldotna Little League Board of Directors retains the sole authority to determine what, if any, disciplinary action is appropriate for any conduct infraction.

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