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Welcome to Soldotna Little League

Welcome to Soldotna Little League



Our Little League opens registration the first of January, and close before tryouts/assessments start in mid-April.

The league will post some sort of notice of assessments with a short list of things to wear/bring, so keep an eye on your email or our Facebook page so you don’t miss it.

Don’t be intimidated by the word tryouts. Everyone makes a team in Little League. Tryouts/Assessments are simply for the league to be able to spread the level of talent around evenly.


What Exactly is Assessed in Tryouts/Assessments?

Players should be evaluated in each of the following 5 areas: (source:

1.   Batting

2.   Fielding Ground Balls

3.   Fielding Fly Balls

4.   Throwing / Pitching

5.   Running


How Can You Prepare Your Child for Baseball Tryouts/Assessments?


·        It is a good idea to knock the rust off the old baseball glove a little sooner than in the car on the way to evaluations. We start talking about baseball around Christmas time as baseball is one the next sports in line after the first of the year. Open Gyms start in February. It may sound crazy, but while the actual baseball games don’t start until May, registration ends on or before Assessments, which are usually in mid-April.


·         Assure them that they will make it on a team, regardless of their performance at evaluations.

·         Remind them that all the other kids are just as nervous as they are.

·         Encourage them to HAVE FUN!!!!


·         Although tryouts/assessments typically last a couple hours, each child gets limited time to show what he or she can do.

·         For example, each child will likely only field 5-10 fly balls and grounders. Be seen only hitting on the tee a couple of times.

·         There will be a LOT of waiting and standing in lines.

·         Encourage your child to always be focused and paying attention to where their group is headed so they don’t get left behind.

What to Wear?

  • Comfotable Clothes – make sure your child is wearing some sort of comfortable clothes (baseball pants are okay, but not required)
  • Tennis shoes (indoor) or cleats (outdoor)
  • Cup - catcher

What to Take Bring With You?

  • Glove
  • Catcher’s Gear– only if you have them
  • Batting Gloves – only if you have them
  • Water


Do Parents Stay and Watch Tryouts?

It is up to the parent to stay or go. If it is your players first time, we encourage you to stay. If you are going to leave and come back, make sure you come back really early. 

What is the Evaluation Process?

  • Check-In
    • Your child will receive a numbered jersey to wear and a name tag. Please be sure to hang your jerseys back up at the end.
  • Prepare
    • Depending on the set-up of the event, kids can start warming up and playing catch with each other while they wait.
  • Gather in Your Assigned Group
    • Most tryouts will have a few different groups of kids, and each group will rotate through the different stations (batting, fielding, throwing, and running).
  • Rotate Through the Evaluation Stations
    • This is where the kids need to pay attention to their group and where they are rotating.
    • Depending on how the event is set up, parents may want to keep an eye on their kids to ensure they are where they are supposed to be.
  • Gather at the End For A Meeting
    • After your child is finished at the last station, they will gather with the rest of the group to chat about the process and information on call backs.

 What happens now?

When the last player goes home, coaches will gather with the Player Agent to begin selection. All Board Members are present and involved during all tryout nights.

How are teams drafted?

·        Minors Player Pitch Baseball – No property players. All players are placed in a player pool and selected by teams until all teams have a full roster. Some younger players may need to be moved down a division due to skill level and safety, per Player Agent and Coach discretion.

·        Majors Baseball – Though we try to have Property Players in Majors, per the rule book, every year the draft has to be readdressed due to fairness and expansion. 2023, we are in an expansion year and therefore all players will be returning to the player pool for selection by coaches. (Rule Book: Policies, Local League Maintenance of Rosters).

·        Seniors Baseball – No property players. All players are placed in a player pool and selected by teams until all players have been selected. Some younger players may need to be moved down a division due to skill level and safety.

·        Softball - Due to the size of Softball, 2023, we will be holding an evaluation. Some players may need to be moved up a division due to skill level and safety, per Player Agent and Coach discretion.

How long before we know what team our child is on?

If there are players needing to return for the lower division tryouts, they will be contacted within 24 hours. Teams are usually formed within a week of tryouts/assessments. This process is subject to the league having enough coaches who have volunteered to coach that season. They can’t form teams without coaches, so that is usually the biggest reason for a delay in forming teams.

How will we be contacted?

It is generally up to the coach to contact the players once he/she has a final roster in hand. The coach will let you know when and where practices will be, and will quite possibly have a team meeting to start out the season and get you all the information you need. If there is a delay in communication, it may be because we do not have a coach for your team. Contact us and see how you can help.

What if my child can’t make tryouts?

You will need to contact our Player Agent and make arrangements.

For help getting organized as a coach, see coaches corner.

One final note: The game schedule typically isn’t released until VERY CLOSE to opening day. As frustrating as this is, it is what it is. The leagues are working with a fairly small window of time between the close of registration, then assessments, and then coming up with a game schedule for the entire league and leagues around us. So please be patient.

Once you’ve made it through the assessments process, it’s time to get ready for the FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE! 

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